I miss this. One of the best gifts the boys ever got. It got used so much we had to replace the tires! They are so young in these photos. 3 and 4 maybe? I miss them, like this. No computers, iPods, cellphones, just playing on the street, in the park, doing donuts, laughing and having fun. With Sterling starting the process of getting his license this Fall (yuck), these photos bring up great memories. I wish I could just tell him to "get in the damn Jeep and forget about driving our car!"
Toooooo cute and soooooo true! Love the black and white photo of Sterling & Kaeden. I think Sterling might have a bit of a problem getting in that Jeep but he'd love the white jeep Amanda has!
Hope you had a great day and have a wonderful long weekend together - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
These are such awesome and memorable photos. I remember that Jeep so well and we were so pleased that the boys enjoyed it so much. The memory that stands out the most is when Sterling drove it through our gate opening with an inch to spare on each side and he didn't even have to slow down. When we bought our Jeep last year, Sterling was the first person that came to mind. I promise we won't let him drive it in Vegas, but there may be some less used roads that he might want to try, like off road. There is just so much off road down there. Don't ask, don't tell!! Don't ask Mom and don't tell the insurance company.
Changed my walk venue to Henderson Lake the last couple of days. Lots of people walking and I like the company but I think the serenity of the wetlands will be on the agenda tomorrow. Love my lunch days so I have to walk really quickly and burn lots of calories on those days.
Weatherman doesn't know what we're getting this weekend. It was supposed to be 50mm of rain but they've kind of pulled back from that. Hope everyone has great weather.
Love to all
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