Sunday 5 May 2013

Day 4 and a little thing called the gnome picture!

Ok - so, the day 4 challenge is "favorite quote". I can admit that for many years I have copied, bought, saved quotes, but this one is my favorite right now. It is what I am trying to become, so it resonates:

found on Pinterest - the coolest site on the planet

As for the truly handsome men of this family, here is this week's gnome photo:

They are handsome and great and are enjoying the sunshine. Right now they are outside trying to set up their badminton net. Even in the course of a year it is amazing how much better they communicate with each other.  It's wonderful.  True best friends.


Denis & Irene said...

Handsome and true best friends. That is so true. Their personalities are so different which helps but you and Craig have never allowed conflict so that is the reality.

Setting up the schedule for our holiday but the things we would like to do and the reality of doing them in the short time we have is impossible. We'll work something out that works time wise and then let you boys decide what you want or don't want. It will be your decision. Just remember, the travel days are not elective, they are something we have to do to get from one place to another. Hope to have something in place this week so that you can decide.

Beautiful day today, walked in the wetlands but the birds were few and far between. Brought the camera but didn't get a whole lot of shots....the battery died.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and that you all have a good week.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo guys! Hope your badminton game went well. I was a badminton champ years ago and I heard grampa tell your dad that I could probably teach you a few things - it's been a long, long time since I've played but that was my very favorite sport in high school.

I think our weather has FINALLY taken a turn for the better. It is 10:25 a.m. and +19 outside. I'm heading out very shortly to play in the yard - I don't care if there's nothing to do out there, I'm still going out to enjoy it. I walked to Curves this morning with Stan and he continued on his way and then I walked home after and soaked in the sun!

Have a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!