Saturday, 4 May 2013

Day 3 - Boo-yah!

Ok - today's prompt is - Things that make you Uncomfortable!

Where do I start? Haha -

Here goes:

1. Little kids in table service restaurants after 7pm

2. Large groups of people - think weddings, etc

3. People who honk at other drivers just because they were too busy to leave 5 minutes earlier

4. Getting a second opinion from a clerk in a clothing store

5. Kids who are rude to their parents

6. Parents who are rude to their kids

I'm sure there are many more - some of you can probably add to this list, but these are the ones that stand out today.

I'm already thinking about tomorrow. *See* you then!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Oh boy! I wish you wouldn't do these things!

1. I remember having a lobster feast in a Montreal restaurant around 9 pm and this one kid raced all over this very posh restaurant. No one did a thing. Just about didn't have kids because of that.

2. I don't mind large groups as long as I can sit with one or two couples and ignore the rest.

3. That's when you get out of your car and ask them what they want. Did that once and the guy almost took out a bus shelter as he went over the sidewalk to go around me. Bet he won't do that again.

4. You never even have to ask. I don't know how a teen can know what looks good on me as I like junior clothes but they look ridiculous on a senior. The clerks like the look though...they never look at the wrinkles.

5 and 6 go hand in hand. I guess you get what you give. Dependant kids have no choice but put up with it until they are of age. Parents have the same choice. I think that's why we meet so many people who just can't be bothered with their kids anymore and don't. Very sad for both sides.

7 and my biggest beef is people talking negatively about their grandchildren and in-laws, not to mention their own parents and siblings regardless of the relationship. If you can't be positive about your family then just shut up.

On another note, my mom loved to go to the Casino. She is looking down on me I just know it. I've only been twice since she died but I have done better than I've ever done. Glad it's tax free in Canada. Keep up the good work Mom.

Love to all