Monday 20 May 2013

Day 19 - Does it Count?

Yesterday evening Craig asked me if the gnome picture had been taken and I realized that it hadn't and I had already posted for the day. The boys and I quickly remedied that situation and I decided to post today. I figure it's a long weekend, right? So today counts. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

The boys are rockin' the AE $5 sunglasses and loving them. Their bright blue eyes do much better with sunglasses on. Love those blue eyes. They get them from their dad.

Funny story - when we were at the gym yesterday, Craig and I were waiting for the boys to finish their ping-pong game and a woman sitting next to us looked up and said, "you'll never have to guess who they belong to". She said Kaedo was the spitting image of his dad and Sterling definitely follows my line. Craig and I had to laugh as we have often talked about how we are built, as in body structure, and which sides of the families we follow, but never facial features. I guess we can't get rid of them now.


Denis & Irene said...

Stand straight and tall Sterling so we can see how tall you really are. Another great gnome photo and you're looking great as usual, both of you.

No question that Kaeden is a Klassen and Sterling has more of our genetic material. They're both gorgeous though, regardless of whose side they take after.

Had a delicious breakfast in the clubhouse this morning. Best pancakes I have ever eaten. They put Coke and Club soda in them. Awesome. Bob and Pat came for happy hour at 4 and we had some "new to us" hors d'oeuvres. The afternoon was lovely and sunny so we could sit out.

Hope everyone had a wonderful lomg weekend.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Thanks again for the weekly photo of Sterling & Kaeden - cool sunglasses guys! And yes, they are totally both gorgeous looking grandsons.

Had a great long weekend and weather even cooperated for us and sounds like for everyone.

Line Dancing tomorrow morning and not very many more left - we quit the end of May and start again beginning of Sept. Got all my flowers in this weekend and now hopefully they will grow.