Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Day 6 - What Do I do?

Today's prompt is one I'm sure Craig is anxious to read! lol

As a newly returned "Stay at Home Mom", I find my days very busy. My boys go to school on a different schedule, so while Sterling leaves much earlier, he is home much earlier in the afternoon. You don't have much time when your high schooler is home at 2:40pm. I take my "home mom " job very seriously, and spend one on one time with the boys when they get home, something that I think we all love. That of course makes the day much shorter.

Some of the things on my list are:
- Doing the Laundry (from sorting on the dirty end to sorting on the clean end), putting away mine and Craig's clothes
- Ironing Craig's work shirts
- Taking the kids to all their appointments
- Going to my appointments
- Grocery shopping
- Cooking all the meals and the subsequent clean up
- Shopping for gifts (we have a lot of birthdays in this family) and everything that goes with that (cards, mailing, etc)
- Walking the dog
- Housecleaning - which I HATE
- The blog
- twice a month lunch with my aunt (totally not a chore, but it takes up an afternoon! LOVE it!)

I'm sure there are other things I do but this is the list I can think up for now. I can tell you that I love every minute of it. I love being available to my family. I didn't want to be a Stay at Home Mom when the boys were little but I really enjoy it and them so much more now.

How long will I have this opportunity for? I don't know.  But I'm so happy for it now.

Funnier post coming tomorrow.

See you then!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

I love being a stay at home mom, even though I've got no kids here. I am so busy planning out the year that I don't have time to do anything else...at least not at my pace. I love going for lunch with friends, booking trips, trying to get a deal, happy hour....it all takes time. I figure because I like to stay home, have no kids, no one to take to appointments...I'm just lazy. I LOVE IT!!! I AM SOOOO LUCKY!

Love to all