Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Day 14

Maybe I can do this... 14 days in a row! Must give Craig credit for Birth-Mother's Day. Thanks Craig!

Today's prompt is 10 things I love - so here goes!

1. Everyone lying in our bed watching TV even though we have a perfectly good TV AND furniture downstairs.

2. Tulips - I just LOVE them! Why oh why can't they last just a little longer. I am dying to go out at 3 in the morning and step into my neighbor's yards and clip their tulips so I can fill every vase, bottle and mason jar I have.

3. Big.Bang.Theory - this show makes me laugh even when I don't think I can. Sheer brilliance.

4. Nora.Roberts books. Can't get enough of them and now that I have read ALL 200+ she has written, I mark the calendar with her new releases!

5. Daily BBMs with my mom - often more than one.  Starts my day right.

6. Ketchup - he`s such a cute dog. I am sure he understands everything and really just wants to be with us.  He rocks!

7. The wonders of cell phones. While I do not use mine like the boys and Craig do, and I never put it on volume, I love that I am able to access my guys at any time. *Peace Of Mind*

8. The opportunity to be a Stay at Home Mom, even if just for a little while. This works for us, works for the boys, me, Craig.

9. Twitter - Haha! I just LOVE it! Totally hooked. I can`t explain it, but I really love it!

10. My boys - there is nothing in the Universe I love more than them.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Oh wow! Those are awesome photos of two of the best looking guys in the world. You were always cute but now you're amazing looking.

1. Daily BBMs with my girls. I just need to know they are ok.

2. The hour of walking I do everyday in the Wetlands, seeing the birds and wildlife as well as the golfers when I cross the levee.

3. Going for lunch with friends.

4. Going to the Casino and winning. Lucky month this month.

5. Big Bang Theory for sure and the News.

6. Spending time with my grandchildren, whenever I'm lucky enough to have them with me.

7. Dinner with friends. Much different than lunch as dinner is a couples event, lunch never is.

8. Travelling and seeing new places or just enjoying places we've been before, no matter where it is. Planning and organizing future trips and checking out the maps.

9. Eating properly, seeing the results, and hearing your doctor's applause at your progress.

10. My family.

These are in random order and I'll probably think of many more.

Love to all