Wednesday, 19 December 2007

On the 19th Day of Advent...

my true love gave to me -
30 minutes extra stay up time
and a partridge in a pear tree

Hello All -

Happy Wednesday - how is everyone? All is well here. We have snow but the weather is glorious. All in all, the weather in great in our part of the World. I know that statement is going to come back and bite me on the butt, however, today it is true.

Ernie was fed, watered, and his jewels were set out last night and he didn't disappoint. The boys laughed and thought last night's antics were great. It is so much fun. I know that I don't have too many years left with Sterling believing, so I am thrilled to get to do these fun things for him.

Craig's birthday is tomorrow. 35! He just gets better looking with age. My god he's handsome. He is working all day, then we are out tomorrow night, so I would recommend calling him at the office, if you want to speak with him directly (sorry Craig). Let me know if you want the number. DO NOT call my house at 5:30 am.

He are going to be spending our Friday night with our dear friends, the Backyardigans. I am looking forward to that. They are wonderful hosts and we always have a great time. So nice to have such good friends, isn't it?

On my way to Markham shortly, for what will probably be my last meeting of the year.

Kaed is home today. He had a sniffly nose last night and a cough this morning. He is doing fine now and has spent the morning on the Game Cube. I was going to send him at lunch but when I saw his teacher this morning she said he wouldn't be missing anything. I would never normally allow him to participate in his activities if he is home from school but tonight he is going to TKD. Does it sound like I'm justifying?

Craig is home working today. He must have told me 5 times. I have totally blocked it out. I wonder why that is?

OK - got to get back to work.

talk later,


1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Kaeden - take care - BIG HUGS!

It is also a beautiful day here today - sun shining, hardly any wind and 0 degrees, still snow on the ground and should be for Christmas as well.

It's my turn for the Christmas coffee and I've got everything all ready to set out when everyone comes. Stan's off to his Wednesday hockey and has plans after so he doesn't have to come home to house full of women! Tomorrow is at Sherry's home and that is our last Christmas coffee for this year - it's been absolutely great and hope we keep it up for years to come!

Tonight I'm going to a Christmas Ladies banquet at our church with Barb. It should be a fun evening.

Looks like Ernie had a blast last night and it must have taken some time to get it all back together this morning.

Shannon - we will NOT call you that early in the morning! I just told Stan this morning that we'll have to give Craig a call at work because of the time change and you can bet your bottom dollar that we're not getting up at 4:30 a.m. to give our "baby" a birthday call! Have a great day Craig - love you lots!