Monday 31 December 2007

New Years Eve

This is my 183rd post. Can you believe it? Who knew I had so much to say.
How is everyone? New Year's Eve - so what. We don't do anything special. It is just like every other day. The only thing about New Years is that I have to get my milk at Mac's.
Craig hasn't been well for the last couple of days and went to bed early last night - shocking for him. Today he seems to feel a little better and had the chance to get out and do some exchanges and license the car.
I've had enough of the holidays now. I need everyone to get out of my house and go on about their routines. I am going stir-crazy and our routine has been shot to hell. I am a routine girl. I like it when everyone goes to school/work, and everything is normal and quiet. I am sick of seeing my kids on the computer. Kaedo is obsessed with the computer and would spend 8 hours a day on it if given the option. I am continually asking them if they want to play a game but sometimes even that doesn't work. I kicked them out this afternoon and told them to go walk the dog. When they got back I told them not to come in the house and to find something to do. PLAY! They are with the Backyardigans right now. Who knows where, doing who knows what. Reminds me of the stories my mom tells about being kicked out of the house after breakfast and told not to come home until supper. I just had to get them out of the house. Kaedo was turning grey from lack of sunshine and the bleaching effects computer monitors have on your skin.

Ok - that's it. Happy New Year. Bah Humbug.



GrmpaGrmma said...

Keep the posts coming Shannon & Craig - we love them!!!

I'm feeling much better today and my voice has just about come back full strength - yahoo!! Went to bed last night and with the help of a gravol pill and not much coughing, I had a good night's sleep and the phone rang at 9:45 a.m. and woke me up!!! Stan had been up for awhile but had closed door and I hadn't heard him get up. We lazed around this morning and then went out and did a few things and got home around 2:30 p.m. Shannon - I'm making the popcorn twists recipe to take over to Robert and Barb's - the oven timer just went so got it out and on the cupboard. We're heading over there about 7:00ish! I remember the time you had to call for the recipe because the recipe on the back of the back was too blurred to even read. I check it now everytime I buy a bag of corn twists just in case.

Glad to hear you're feeling better today Craig - sorry you have to be sick on your holidays but it always seems around Christmas people get sick - toooo many crowds!

Have a fun New Year's Eve - play games, blow horns and remember to tear up a 2007 calendar and think of us while we're thinking of you!


Denis & Irene said...

I never doubted that you had a lot to say.

New Year's Eve. While Jessica and Ken are attending a wonderful bash in Mexico, we are here eating left over turkey pot pie. New Year's has always been a non celebration at our house unless we went to the Stauffers. And guess what---Stauffers are in Mexico too. Hope you are all having a wonderful time, we're sure you are. Jessica says that any other trip they plan will be a downer after going to the place they're at now. They've never seen anything like it, it's that good. Oh well, we have Emma and the only way it could be better than that is if we had Sterling and Kaeden also.

Sorry you haven't been feeling well Craig. Grandma L isn't well today again either, fever, etc. Hope everyone gets back on their feet very quickly.

Child welfare is coming to take you away, ha ha; is coming to take you away. I thought you looked a little pale Kaeden when I saw the video of your heelies, but Mom kicking you out of the house..... for shame on her. Wanna come travelin'??

Hope Jan. 1, 2008 finds you back into some sort of routine, Shannon, for your family's sake. Boy, do you sound crabby!!!! Bah Humbug to you too and a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. We love you all tons.

Love to all