Tuesday, 11 December 2007

On the 11th day of Advent....

my true love gave to me...
and a partridge in a pear tree

There was something for the taking but the boys were so busy playing "throw the webkinz down the mountain" that they forgot. They'll open it later. It's candy, by the way.

All is well here. Craig is home for the day, working and I am doing this then getting to work. The boys are doing well and tonight is our busy night. Sterling has Spanish after school and Kaed has a dentist appt. We then have basketball and TKD both at 7. It will be a late night tonight. Not that it isn't usually. They go to bed on time but are total night owls. They get up fine in the morning, thank god.

I had a question about Sterling's Novel Study and his teacher's reaction. Unfortunately, after all that hard work, she wasn't in school yesterday. I hope she is there today.

Sterling's Spanish class is making pinatas right now and so his pinata balloon came home with him on Thursday. Last night he decided to add an extra layer. Needless to say, there was paste everywhere and the damn thing isn't dry yet. I might have to take my blasted blow dryer to it. I need to take it to school this aft so he can have it for after school.

Here's my favorite joke:
So, two snakes are slithering down the road and one snake says to the other,
"hey, are we poisonous"
his friend says,
"why, yes we are. Why?"
"because I just bit my tongue"

Dumb but I love it. My all time favorite joke.

talk later,

Oh ya, Ernie, Santa's dog will be making his appearance on the 15th and I'm looking for suggestions of trouble he can get into or things he can give the boys. Any ideas would be helpful,

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