Well, the time has come. All that anticipation for 15 minutes of fun. Remind you of anything else? The boys are beyond excited and we are happy to be spending the holidays just having fun and being together.
So much to tell you...
The advent calendar is finished. Finished off with $10 this morning. They were happy to get it and I was happy it was done. Ernie returned to the North Pole last night. He left us a note telling us that he had to get back to help Santa get ready for tonight's journey. The boys were disappointed but not as sad as last year.
We went out for breakfast this morning. Barnaby's. Great. While sitting at the table, the boys were bugging us about opening presents. Sterling had this tooth that had been dangling by a thread for weeks and he kept pushing it forward just to creep us out. Craig made him a deal that if he yanked that tooth he could open his Christmas Eve presents on Christmas Eve morning instead of night. Out came the tooth! So, we headed home and did that. We played a really good game called RUK SHUK and then hung out. I made sugar cookies - which sucked, and we watched a movie, Annie. Awesome. Funny how you remember all the words to the songs after so many years.
Did I mention I got a NEW CAMERA!!!!! It KICKS! Craig gave it to me this morning. He handed it to me and said that it was a gag gift that he thought was funny so he wanted to give it to me. Out came an awesome SONY DSC-H7. It is fantastic. I am still getting used to it. The pix are from that camera. Well, that's it for now. Merry Christmas everyone. Be happy and safe.
talk later,

Camera looks great - keep the photos coming!
Your advent calendar sounds like it was a great hit with the boys - JOB WELL DONE!! Ernie had fun while it lasted - till next year!
Great talking to the boys and you guys this morning - have a FUN, FUN time tonight - CHRISTMAS EVE! We're sitting waiting for Robert & Barb to come over and we're going to drive around checking out the Christmas lights around the city, then we're coming back to practice an "Air Band" song for entertainment on the Klassen side - should be interesting (AND FUN!!) We don't have any gifts to open but we'll have coffee and goodies to end the evening.
Hope Santa's good to all of you - by the looks of it he already has treated you both great so far - you must have both been very good kids!! Thinking of you all at this time of year and remembering all the family fun times we have had together. We love you and miss you tons! BIG HUGS TO ALL! Talk to you tomorrow.
Great camera. What an awesome gag.
We are looking forward to getting even more photos now.
After talking with the boys (Xmas Day) we know who they get their phone talking skills from. Boy, can they talk and how fun it is to listen to them. They definitely had a wonderful Christmas. We did also. Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts. As always, we were spoiled rotten. We are always afraid to say we need something as it always shows up.
It will be fun to text on our new BLACKBERRY as we are riding our new BIKES around in the sunny part of the world. When the SOUP is all made and the BATTERY is fully charged in the computer, we will don our NIGHTIE and put CREAM on hands and feet prior to putting on the MOISTURE LOTION SOCKS AND GLOVES. Next day we will take our PURSE, check our DAYTIMER and proceed to place our MAGNETIC RIBBONZ on the car and motorhome. When we get back from installing the SEAT BELT NECK PROTECTOR, we will sit and do some SUDOKU with our feet up on the OTTOMAN. There is quite a BIT MORE to this story, however, we don't want to bore anyone.
Emma was in her glory, helping everyone unwrap their gifts. She did really well and didn't get tired of opening. While Ken & Jessica were setting up all her stuff, Denis & I prepared dinner. Everything turned out great and we have lots of leftovers, which I love.
We don't plan to brave the Boxing Day sales today but we will have to pick up a few things at the grocery store to add to our leftovers.
Love to all, Happy Boxing Day
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