Wednesday 5 December 2007

Movie Review of the Week

We here at Head Office (that means me) have decided to bring you a new feature for all your reading pleasure. We (that means me) will be reviewing movies weekly and giving you some guidance in your pursuit of perfect viewing pleasure. FYI - there will be no XXX movies reviewed here. Those can be done in your own home. (send your reviews directly to me, OK?) (just joking - gross)

Got this from the the library and watched it last night. The story is wonderful, the ending is great, the lead startlingly beautiful, costumes amazing and the scenery unbelievable. It is not a quick paced movie but for anyone who likes movies along the line of The Queen or Elizabeth, should definitely pick up a copy. Sorry for the bad image, I suck.
Just sayin'...


Denis & Irene said...

Loved the Queen and Elizabeth (both of them). Thanks, I may have to rent that. The next month I'll be Mommy, Lady of Leisure but no B of Mgmt. I'll have loads of time to watch all these movies, right Jess?

We spent a wonderful time with Stan and Shirley and we gave them the hugs and kisses that you requested. We got ours also. I don't think too many families are lucky enough to have such wonderful times with their extended families. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality and the lovely supper, Stan and Shirley, we look forward to our next get together.

The weather reallllly sucks, snow, cold, not nice. Our car alarm is also in a tizzy, it keeps going off for no reason. The guests in our motel are gonna love us. It went off at Stan & Shirley's about 45 minutes after we got there, it went off here about five minutes after we arrived. It's protesting the weather, probably saw the temperature in Houston today 82F. Having said that, it's great to be back with family and friends. Miss the eastern family though, very much.

We had a good trip up from Nebraska, it's about a 24 hour drive in winter. The billboards are great along the way, thank goodness for them. Without them you'd just see plains of grass through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas.

Love to all

Denis & Irene said...
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