Tuesday 11 December 2007

Movie Review of the Week

Did you know that I love old movies? I do, I love them. Recently I have been borrowing them from the library and have been enjoying watching them on the rare nights Craig grants me access to the TV.
Tonight I watched Stage Door. This movie has an amazing cast including one of my favorite actresses Katharine Hepburn. Other known actors are Lucille Ball, Eve Arden and Ginger Rogers. The movie is set in 1937 (the year it was filmed, by the way), and is just so cool in that the women are strong and smart and amazing - not that we aren't, just in many movies of the black and white version the women are so weak. The story is great and due to the age of the film I was surprised at one of the twists. The actors were "individual" in their roles and each stood on their own merit. An added bonus was Katharine Hepburn's clothes - awesome!
While I'm sure that most of you won't run out and pick up this movie, if you see it in your local library, pick it up. It's worth a watch.

Have a good night,
talk later,

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