My true love gave to me...
and a Partridge in a pear tree
This is the big one of the calendar. It will help pay for the gifts they give each other and the secret Santa gift.
In our house the boys have to put up half the money for the gifts they buy for each other. This year they set a $20 limit. They have to save and spend $10 of their money and we kick in the other $10. They put a lot more thought into the gift they are giving when they spend their own money.
Last year we started a Secret Santa thing. We put the four names in a hat and pulled one each. The person you get is your secret. Of course we have to take them to their destination. They go on their own and pay for it themselves - ie dollar store. We set a limit of $3 (the boys use their own money) and we buy something fun for each other. These are gifts we open on Christmas eve. So fun. Last year Kaedo bought me shampoo and I am supposed to use it only on Christmas to wash my hair. Craig gave Kaedo a Rudolph nose that he had been coveting. I gave Sterling a nutcracker and something else and Sterling gave Craig a clamp and a tie-down strap.
It was fun.
I am so excited for Christmas. We have some great surprises in store for them and we are just going to have so much fun. Craig is off from the 20th to the 7th. We are so lucky to have him at home all that time.
Hope you are having a happy Monday. Yeah Jessica - have fun moving today and sleeping in your new house tonight! Congratulations.
talk later,
Having a Happy Monday so far!! Just got home about 1/2 ago from having lunch with mom, Linda, Jean & Roberta after meeting at mom's at 10:00 a.m. to decorate her place for Christmas. We ended up decorating down the hall where there are empty suites by putting garland around their area. It looks really very nice down 2nd floor hallway. We went to Marcello's for lunch and then each their own way. Mom was off to play shuffleboard at the Senior Centre - she seems to always keep busy. This week and next are going to be busy coming and going to each of our places to have tea/coffee/or whatever and see our homes decorated. We started this a few years ago and now some of the nieces have got into it as well. Forget about dieting till way after Christmas I figure.
We had a fun weekend - a quick visit with Kelly, Petrica and Jacob in Saskatoon on Saturday and loved every minute we had with them. Jacob loves his grampa and wants to go to him as soon as he sees him. Sunday we decided to take it easy in the morning, played walleyball in the afternoon, coffee after, home for a quick supper and off to see the lighting of Christmas lights out at the new home near the hospital for families to stay in from out of town with family members in the hospital. It was very pretty.
This morning Stan is off to Joe & Lynne Unger's to help them load their cattle for their dispersal sale this Thursday. He's never done this sort of thing before so hope the cows behave themselves and don't decide to kick him out of their area! Haven't heard from him and it's 1:45 p.m. He thought he'd be home around 1:00 or so.
Sounds like the boys are so enjoying your Advent Calendar Shannon! Keeps them guessing every day what's in store for them. You are making Christmas a fun time for them. It will be so nice to have Craig home while the boys are home from school. You should all have a great time together.
Well, vacuum cleaner is sitting in the middle of the living room so best get something done today!
Good luck with your move to your new home Jessica and Ken and Emma!! See you when it's time to pick up a parcel from down east.
The move went well, it was all in by the time I got there with Emma at 1.30. I then went to Costco to get their huge Poinsettias. I just love them but can't cross the border with them so I'm enjoying them at Jessica's.
Love to all
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