Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Week 6

So, my kids look like stoners. They can't all be works of art.

Some excitement here earlier this week. Kaedo was scootering and slipped off his scooter and his handlebar came up and smacked him in the mouth. I should re-phrase that - he put his tooth RIGHT THRU his lip. That's right folks, RIGHT THRU! So Craig took him to the hospital where they cleaned it up and put a steri-strip on it. He was really freaked out at the possibility of having stitches but after the fact was a little bummed that he wouldn't have any to show his friends. No stitches.

So, the boys came up with some alternate stories as to what happened. Here is Sterling's: a piercing gone wrong, and he tried shaving with a pocket knife.

Some excitement. That's for sure. Saw my neighbor (the dentist) today and he told me to keep an eye on his teeth as they may die from the trauma. "Make sure to keep an eye on them. You'll need to get him to the dentist (wink wink, nudge nudge) if they go brown". Thanks for that!


Denis & Irene said...

Looks like you've got some normal kids there. The teeth are a bit of a worry but they're normal kids. Hope you're not too sore Kado.
Lots of snow here this morning but we made it to work on time.

How about that Canadian Dollar? Or more to the point, how about that tanked USD? Hopefully a cheaper winter than last. We plan to buy enough to get us through the winter. We are so anxious to head south that we've made all these plans but we'll need two years to complete them. I guess reality will make us more realistic once we hit the road.

Stan and Shirley, have you found a Pilot yet? A month in the warm weather would convince you that it is a good way to winter.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

BIG HUGS TO KAEDEN!! Hope the week gets better. We just got home from Regina awhile ago from Stan's surgery - he's STARVING!! I think when a person knows you can't eat - that makes you hungrier. He made himself some soup when we got home and now he's getting some ice cream. He's to stick to soft food for this week. We'll see how things go. The weather was horrible coming home from Chaplin to S.C. I was driving thinking Stan would rest but that didn't happen. I think he was nervous watching me drive. Anyway, we're home safe and sound and will be heading back again next Wednesday to get the stitches taken out!


Jessica said...

What??? No pictures of the blood and gore??? You're losing your edge!!!

KPJC said...

Hope Kaedo is alright. And they do not look like stoners - trust me I HAVE SEEN STONERS and my nephews on their worst day are not even close. Keep up the gnome pics.