Monday 12 October 2009

Her Fearful Symmetry

I am currently reading "Her Fearful Symmetry" by Audrey Neffinegger and am absolutely loving it. I can't get enough of it but am savoring it by reading is small bursts rather than spending an entire day on the couch. It is wonderfully written. Audrey Neffinegger is the author of "The Time Traveler's Wife" another book I absolutely loved. If you are looking for a book that is deeply emotional, hauntingly written and with a story unlike so many of the cookie cutter books out there, I would highly recommend "Her Fearful Symmetry". I will be sending it out West so that Jessica, mom and dad can read but if you would like me to put you on the list, let me know. I will have it forwarded to you for your reading pleasure.

Are any of you reading anything you can't put down, or have you recently read something you want to tell me about? I would love to hear.

Happy reading!

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