Saturday, 10 October 2009

Saturday fun day

What started out as a simple weekend of just being sloths has turned out to be more busy that we thought. Kaedo was invited to his buddy's hockey game and then over for supper and as a spur of the moment decision, we invited Josh to come and sleepover. That prompted me to ask Sterling if he wanted to invite a friend, and everyone knows the answer to that! Sterling's friend has hockey tonight as well, so we are picking him up at 8:45pm and Kaedo and Josh at 9pm and then we are all trooping over here for a sleepover. I think I will be up making pancakes or waffles tomorrow morning. Fun. Talk about being out numbered! That's a lot of testosterone in the house! Tomorrow everyone will be here in the morning and then I'll have my weekly chat with mom and spend the day working outside. The trampoline has to come down and the flower beds all need to be cleaned up. Monday is supposed to be rainy so we'll get everything done tomorrow.
Hope you are not freezing and are having a great day.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight - sounds like lots of FUN!!

I just got home from a 60th wedding anniversary - Lionel's parents - beautiful supper and a program after. What a talented family. Stan came to the supper and listened to most of the entertainment and then went to the Bronco hockey game. They're playing Edmonton tonight. They won against Moose Jaw last night 7-6. Kelly & family should be arriving tonight some time. They were in Regina for a Kuntz reunion and are planning on heading to S.C. I haven't heard from them yet but hope they're on their way soon. I was busy today getting things ready for the Thanksgiving supper tomorrow night. I'm having mom over with Kelly, Petrica, Jacob & Caleb. After supper, we'll go over to Jim & Roberta's for coffee and leave mom there to visit. We don't do the BIG get-together of families anymore - TOOOOOOO many when we all meet. Everyone just wants to enjoy their own family. Brad & Donna made it down so Linda will have a full house, Bretta & Cody arrived for the 60th wedding anniversary so Jean's house is full and Roberta has all her family in S.C. so her house is full as well when they all come over.

Maybe we can try the Skype tomorrow with you guys - hope it works for everyone! Talk to you soon.

BIG HUGS TO ALL and may we all find something to be very THANKFUL for this Thanksgiving. I know I have many, many things that I am VERY THANKFUL for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Denis & Irene said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Our family get together was wonderful, however, there were 4 people missing.

The Sunday morning chat was awesome, as usual. I love those long talks as opposed to a couple of little ones especially with our screwy schedules. Two hour time difference isn't much but it sure is when you're trying to make calls around different work times.

Stan and Shirley, we are so sorry that we'll miss your Thanksgiving dinner but wish you a wonderful day. Say hi to Kelly and family and your mom also. We look very forward to getting together with you in the not too distant future.

Boys, your mom has such wonderful photos and I'm sure every event that has ever happened in your lives is duly recorded. What a wonderful way to look back on your life. You will so appreciate all the posing you did when you are older. We love to look back on your younger days.

Love to all