Wednesday, 28 October 2009

week 8

Week 8 - can you believe it? All is well here. The boys are doing good and Craig is busy at work. Sterling is acting out a little, really testing Craig, but we are working on getting that taken care of. He has started really talking back and after a long day of work that is the last thing Craig needs. We are working on it and have lowered their bedtime from 9pm to 8:30pm in the hopes that they will settle earlier and be asleep when I get home. While I am missing my nightly hugs, it is definitely better for them and they actually got up on their own this morning. That is good as Sterling is very difficult to get up.
Anyways, cute picture, eh? They are so cute.
Look for a Weigh In Wednesday post later this morning.


Denis & Irene said...

Love the photo. Sorry that Sterling is being a trial but I think all kids test our patience at one time or another. 8.30 sounds like a better bedtime for all concerned, especially dad. Love you all very much.

Love to all

KPJC said...

Sorry to hear that Craig, but I can relate as Jacob has really begun to test our patience with tantrums, talking back and ignoring our requests. Ahhhh being a parent - makes you wonder what kind of crap we put our parents thru?????

Sorry about tonight's phone call - i was so distracted with that crappy alarm. I got it fixed but feel I was not focused, hopefully we can talk again soon. However 6AM on Friday may not be a time for deep discussion.

Good luck with weigh in Wednesdays. I am not sure if I am the best candidate to weigh in as my goal is to try to be healthier. I am cutting down on pop consumption and drinking more water. However, we have fallen off the wagon with our workouts (no that is not code for something else) beause of midterm grades. Next week will hopefully be better. Just because my weigh in is 165 lbs.