Monday, 22 October 2007

Celebrity Booger (Ya - that's right!)

Someone should really call social services. My mom has lost all parenting ability. As if it isn't bad enough living in a hotel, now she's running errands like a maniac and we're never home. Take this morning as an example. Mommy had a physical so we left when the big hand was on the twelve and the little hand was on the nine. We did her doctor thing but then we had to go to the new house to get something and see what was going on. There were some boys there that made mommy very happy. Something about the outside of the house getting done. Then we went inside to say hi to the painters. We finally got to leave only to come right back. The one thing she needed, some sort of wood sample, was the one thing she didn't do. Then we had to go to some eye appointment for me. Mommy kept trying to make me say the word. When I did she was really happy. Anyway, he said there was nothing wrong. I could have told her that. How do you think I always find the snacks you hide? Duh! We were in the doctors office forever. There were a lot of really old people there, even older that Amme and Baba. I started acting up so the nurse jumped me ahead of some other people. Mommy complained that we were there over an hour, whatever that is. Then she decided we should price out some blinds. We were at Home Depot FOREVER!!!! I tried being bad so we would leave but she made me stay and even said I was a really good girl while waiting. Boy, did that ever backfire. Anyway, she's not very bright these days and realized she didn't have a measurement for one of the windows. Then it was back to the house, call Home Depot, blah, blah, blah. To make a long story short, the little hand was on the two when we got back. Someone please help me. I don't know how much more I can take.

Love Emma

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Don't worry sweetie, Amie and Baba will be here to look after you and you won't have to go near a store for 5 whole days unless it's McDonalds or dairy Queen or somewhere else you want to go. There's also lots of toys here and you'll never be bored. Can't wait to see you. Love you tons