Monday, 8 October 2007

Quiz of the Week

Hi All - it is 7:13am and I am up already! Ugh! Stayed up until midnight with the boys watching Suite Life with Zach and Cody. Nuts.

Thought of this last night while visiting with Sterling, hope you enjoy it.

10 Things You'd Like to Do in the Next Year:
here are mine:

1. Learn to flip poker chips like the villian in the latest James Bond movie
2. Rip out the carpet in the house
3. Go to Alberta at least once
4. Replace all the flooring on the main floor
5. Lose 80lbs
6. Win the lottery
7. Get a van
8. Pay off all my bills *this will work in conjunction with #6*
9. Take the boys on an actual holiday
10. Find a babysitter!

None of this sappy - "oh, I'd like to see my children fulfill all their dreams blah blah blah"

Happy Thanksgiving

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Your children's dreams are fulfilled, they have both of you for parents, how much luckier could they be?

Happy Thanksgiving