Monday 29 October 2007

Bluebird (Bluejay) on My Shoulder...

Or is that birdshit on my shoulder??? Probably both 'cause I don't think a bird would sit on someone's shoulder very long before taking a dump. After our trip to Pingles farm and the wonderful display of Fall Shannon set up outside our house we had a little visitor. A Bluejay started showing up and eating the Indian corn we bought. Irene even set a piece out with easier access to get some awesome pictures. I guess this is why the baseball team has this name as I haven't seen this type of bird until we moved here.

Today was a busy day as Denis and Irene moved their stuff out of the house and back to the motorhome in anticipation of Jessica's arrival tomorrow. Two weeks has actually gone by fast and before you know it our house will be quiet again... NOT!!! I don't think our house has ever been quiet... okay well maybe this summer when the kids were gone. It's been nice having company and Shannon and I have even had some time to spend together. I spent the day at a conference for Managers Customer Service and as part of our presentation we hired a juggler. I think I'm actually getting the hang of it and will soon be able to entertain at parties. Ketchup is off to doggie hotel tomorrow and will get a much needed haircut in the process. That's all for now and hopefully tomorrow I'll post some pictures of Sterling bowling in action.



shannon said...

I totally love that you are doing the blog now. I guess I am retiring. Thanks honey, you rawk!

GrmpaGrmma said...

GREAT PHOTOS OF THE BLUEJAY! We're anxious to see your juggling act Craig! Hi to Jessica & Emma and have lots of fun together! BIG HUGS TO ALL!