Friday, 5 October 2007

Feeling bummed today. Lots of little things bothering me. Oh well, that's life, isn't it? A mug that Jessica bought me got smashed today by one young extremely blond boy that shall remain nameless. Funny how things like that really hurt, isn't it? and I don't just mean stepping on the microscopic razor sharp piece of porcelain that did not get swept up.

Things I'm thinking about today:

We're all so busy drinking bottled water to guarantee that we get our "recommended 8-10 glasses a day" that we are filling landfills with these bottles...hmmmm yeah! mother earth

PA day today - hate those things. Funny enough, I saw one of the teachers shopping at
Wal-Mart while we were there today. She must be developing a keen ability to shop. Maybe it was a shopping challenge from one of their seminars. Who knows... hmmmm

Trying to find a fine line between what the boys want to do and what works for me - another activity has popped up that a larger lovely-locked boy who shall remain nameless, wants to pursue...what to do what to do

Looked at my calendar today and was suddenly overwhelmed with my life

Is NO TV good for kids? Do they really need it or do do we just need them to need it? hmmmm
on that note - is NO TV good for husbands or do we just need them to need it?

Isn't it amazing how easily you can lose your identity when you don't see it walking out the back door? Got to keep an eye on that damn thing!

Not too much going on this weekend. No, we will not be having turkey, chicken, chicken dogs, turkey wraps, or any other fowl. We may just eat cereal. You all know us and no that we are the least celebratory people on the planet. The stores are closed though...that sucks. What do I do if I have a hankerin' for some good ol turkey jerky?

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Sorry you're feeling bummed today. It will go away but when you're in the middle of it you feel it will last forever.

The thing that bothers me about bottled water is that I'm a true believer (I know a lot of people aren't) of fluoride in the drinking water. Lethbridge is a fluoride city and I question how many people spend the $$$ on fluoride treatments at the dentist. Bottled water doesn't give this extra protection. In Newfoundland, there was a boil water all over because of the flooding they'd had. The natives said, oh we don't boil it. We didn't either and not even a cramp. Makes you wonder how many $$$ the government is getting from the bottled water people. And yes, poor mother earth.

When you guys were young PA day always meant an extra day on the ski hill...with the teachers.

I don't know why you're overwhelmed with your life. You could be us..trying to decide if we walk or bike, this museum or that art gallery or both, how many days should we stay's overwhelming. Seriously, don't look at your calendar and it will all go away. I've always taught you that ignorance is bliss.

We are in Fredericton at this great campsite, the boys would love it. It's as good as Michigan. The Acadians are celebrating Thanksgiving and the place is wild. There is a fireworks display going on right now, bonfires everywhere, guitars, singers and yet it's peaceful. This is one lovely city, the most technologically advanced in Canada. Fredericton has WiFi everywhere called 'Fred e zone'. Internet cafes don't do well here, neither Telus or Rogers. We are 8 kms from downtown and a repeater nearby enables even the outskirts to get wifi. We biked all afternoon, did 48 km. on a great bike path through trees that were turning a gorgeous color and past houses that were picture perfect. We took a tour of Old Government House, which is the residence of the Lieutenant Governor, who we saw eating lunch. We were the only ones on the tour which lasted almost an hour. It was great as the house has lots of history. The guide told us lots of stories that were contemporary and were just great. We had our picnic lunch in the Dining room that was used by the servants in the 1800's.

Stopped many times to talk to people as the Sony Cup soccer tournament is here this weekend. Anytime you happen to stop walking or biking in the Maritimes, someone will stop and talk to you. We talked with one couple for about 45 minutes. All you have to do is look at a map and people are rushing to help you. We love it here and look really forward to returning.

We have booked in here until Sunday but will probably stay an extra day. It will depend on the weather. It was 29C today and is supposed to be 16C tomorrow. Sunday, showers are forecast. Farmers Market tomorrow, 6am - 1pm. This is supposed to be a wonderful market, lots of original crafts, etc. We could do with some fresh produce also.

Love to all