Monday, 24 June 2013

Yup, You Heard It Right!

This kid is officially a 10th grader! Last test this morning. He was going in with a 93% so he wasn`t too worried. Must admit though, that when I checked on him at 1am he was still up!

He`s thrilled to be done school and all indications are that he made the Honor Roll for the entire year. He will go to school on Thursday to check out his final grades and I will pick up his report card the first week of July.

His dad and I are very proud of him and we are thrilled that he has chosen to move into a higher stream of classes in the Fall. We know it will be more work, but he`s going to do great.

I received an email from one of his teachers this morning, thanking him for the gift we had given her (he picks his favorite teacher each semester and gives him/her a gift) and I thought I would share it here. He's a great kid.

Thank you very much for the end-of-year teacher gift.  How very
thoughtful, especially the environmentally friendly aspect!!  I love it.

It was a pleasure having Sterling in the class.  His positive attitude and
excellent work habits set a great example for other students.  I wish him
the very best next year as he transitions to the Academic stream.  His
organization, ability to meet deadlines, regular attendance and attention
to detail will serve him well.


GrmpaGrmma said...

CONGRATULATIONS STERLING! Wow - hard to believe our oldest grandson is already in Grade 10! We will congratulate you already for making the Honor Roll for the entire year because we're sure you did it. (What a wonderful e-mail from Sterling's teacher. Thanks for sharing.)


Jessica said...

I still remember the night you were born, Sterling. It was amazing. I am so proud of your fantastic marks and your decision to move into the academic stream. I'm so excited for you and love you so much.

Denis & Irene said...

Way to go Sterling! There was never a doubt in my mind. You will do awesome in academic next year. Good for you. You are looking wonderful as usual and I know you are very excited to come on your holiday. We have it all planned out but now we want to change some things, lol, it always happens that way for some reason. Pre-planning really sucks but sometimes it's a good thing. We'll try to get a few reservations changed and see what happens. Whatever happens, you and your bro will be busy the whole time so get some sleep before you get here.

Love to all