Saturday, 15 June 2013

Saturdays, Tuxedos and Flowers for Little Girls

This morning I had the opportunity to talk to my mom - love that! She told me yesterday it would only be a 30 minute call as she had 'stuff' to do. 30 minutes my butt, we don't even know what 30 minutes looks like!

After our call, Kaedo and I went out to get the final fitting of his tux for Grad. He looked AWESOME! He had on his yellow high-tops, his shades, and a huge smile. He is going to be the most gorgeous kid there. Stunning! I was going to put the pictures up (of course I took pictures) but I have decided not to as I think posting the ones I take on Grad night will be more meaningful. Instead I thought I would post a picture of the last time he was in a tux:
So stinkin' cute! This was at T and K's wedding. in 2005! Man oh Man!

Late this afternoon I had the opportunity to chat with J for a couple of minutes as well as my sweet girlies E & A who are doing their year end recitals this weekend. My sources tell me E kicked ass last night (like there was any doubt) and my girl A is going to dance her feet off tonight in her first ever recital. I must admit, I would love to see her as she kind of reminds me of a kid who loves to dance, but if there were dandelions on the stage, she would be picking them. Hope J doesn't kill me for saying that. haha. ANYWAY, because all dancers should have flowers, their Amma was kind enough to deliver two specially made bouquets (made by her - they were gorgeous - thanks mom - you ROCK!) from their Anti. Do I get credit for telling her what I wanted on the cards? They loved them, and I actually got to talk to A on the phone. For like 1 second, but still!

We are just chillaxing now, and I can hear Craig watching hockey. The boys have just asked for my credit card and I know Zombies are involved. Never a dull moment here.

Happy Saturday All!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

The thing is we could have talked longer. I misread the paper, it was at 1 not at 10. Oh well, it was a good visit.

How could we forget how wonderful the boys looked and K&T's wedding? They were awesome and so handsome.

I didn't attend Emma's recital but was told it was the best ever, from her instructor. Avery's group consisted of five three year olds. I snorted, very embarrassing. It was so funny but Avery did remember some of her foot and hand movements but was way more interested in staying on the X on the stage. Thank goodness, because the orchestra pit isn't too far away from the X. It was hilarious but she enjoyed it and thought she was the prima ballerina of the group. It's not worth anything if you don't have the self confidence which she has in spades. A truly special night.

I'm staying the night and grandparenting at the moment as J is at a stagette. She was told a limo would be taking them from pub to pub but when we pulled up to the one they were in after the recital, a school bus was the limo. Too funny. The theme was Candyland but J looked very attractive in her 'costume', she looked lovely.

Heading home in the early morning as J and the girls have a brunch to attend and I have lots to do tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and the weather is good.

Love to all