Sunday, 9 June 2013

Week 37

Happy Sunday All!
I must admit that this is a fantastic picture of Sterling. Kaedo looks like he may have been forced into having his picture taken. I assure you, he was not.

Our weekend was spent with kids spending a lot of time making synthisized music on their computers. I'm just a little more grey and Craig has a weird twitch I haven't noticed before.

Sterling has decided that I am to blame for what ails him (all in jest, I promise). He has advised that my 
non-stop eating of peanut butter while pregnant surely caused his peanut allergy and "while I'm at it, let's throw in all the caffeine from those cokes and diet cokes for my Tourrette's" Cute but bratty.

I've got some posts lined up for the week so I'll be trying to get something up here every day. My new little camera has helped with always having it handy for photos.

Lastly, we have purchased next year's gnome and he's a cutie! Wait til you see him.He's a bobble-head. Ha! 
Our travel gnome is already with their gear so you know what that means!!!!!


GrmpaGrmma said...

It is a great picture of Sterling and Kaeden just looks like he wasn't ready with his beautiful smile for the photo! Travel gnome will have photo taken - might have to mark it on my calendar for me to remember!

Walked to and from Curves this morning - started out +10 and no wind and when I started home, wind had gotten up and I was walking right into it. More exercise I guess:) Sun is shining though so that's wonderful. Ready to get dough on the go for fresh buns for supper tonight - other than that, have no idea what to make for supper!! Will think of something later I guess.

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

GrmpaGrmma said...

It is a great picture of Sterling and Kaeden just looks like he wasn't ready with his beautiful smile for the photo! Travel gnome will have photo taken - might have to mark it on my calendar for me to remember!

Walked to and from Curves this morning - started out +10 and no wind and when I started home, wind had gotten up and I was walking right into it. More exercise I guess:) Sun is shining though so that's wonderful. Ready to get dough on the go for fresh buns for supper tonight - other than that, have no idea what to make for supper!! Will think of something later I guess.

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Great photo of Sterling for sure. You look ok, Kaed, lol. You guys are so awesome you couldn't take a bad photo.

Had a great Sunday. The 70th Birthday surprise was truly a surprise. It was held in an awesome venue that had chicken wire and wonderful ceiling decor, then the clouds opened and we all went into the restaurant. They had to close it to customers. Just a super fantastic time seeing people we hadn't seen in many a moon and touching base with people we'd been in contact with. We were able to get back into the courtyard as the sun did make another appearance. The wire serves to keep the birds out but not the rain. The food, wine and ambiance were awesome. Our families have known each other for well over 30 years.

Mouthy kid ya got there. I told him if he mouths me off he'll be heading home...alone. I know it won't be a problem.

The boys usually let us know about the gnome photo but I'll mark it in my phone anyway.

Love to all