Wednesday, 31 October 2007

quiz of the week

So - I totally scooped this from another blog but thought it was hilarious. I hope you will post. Yes I know the numbers are wrong. Bite me! Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)-
creamsicle chocolate chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) -
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)-
Black Polar Bear
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)-
Elizabeth Calgary
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) -
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)-
The White Diet Coke
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)-
George Pierre
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)- Verbena Glossette
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )-
Veronica Francois
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)-
St.Jean Saskatoon
12. SPY NAME/BOND GIRL: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Spring Tulip
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)-
Grape Sweaterie
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Diet Coke Maple


Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Well I think I will probably take on blog responsibilities while company is here so once again you'll have to deal with my inane ramblings. Just realized as I was typing this that I haven't posted about Kaeden yet so I will try to get some pictures at Tae Kwon Do. Actually I'll probably just get Irene to take them, 'cause even if pictures aren't allowed to be taken there, she'll find a way (sorry everyone else, private joke in there, ask me sometime :) Speaking of Kaeden and Tae Kwon Do, Denis and I took him on Saturday and since I haven't seen him do it in awhile I watched and, oh my God, can that kid spar! They did the normal drills and kicks and patterns and then they had to pair up and had a little mini-tournament as they are preparing for the competition in November. I watched all the other kids do battle and they were all just kicking back and forth, nothing too serious, no real contact. Then Kaeden gets up and literally attacks the poor bugger who was unfortunate enough to pair up with him. I know I can be biased sometimes but this was unreal. You could hear the contact of Kaeden's flurry of punches and kicks against the other kids protective gear. Even a parent behind us said 'Wow', hope it wasn't her kid getting the crap beat out of him. I would have liked to take video of that so maybe next time I'll be more prepared.
So now I'll post pictures of Sterling bowling. Last weekend Irene and Shannon took him to see if his new haircut made a difference and low and behold when he can actually see, his scores were way better, the best he has bowled yet. Irene only took 67 pictures so it was a little tough to find some to post :)

Monday, 29 October 2007

Bluebird (Bluejay) on My Shoulder...

Or is that birdshit on my shoulder??? Probably both 'cause I don't think a bird would sit on someone's shoulder very long before taking a dump. After our trip to Pingles farm and the wonderful display of Fall Shannon set up outside our house we had a little visitor. A Bluejay started showing up and eating the Indian corn we bought. Irene even set a piece out with easier access to get some awesome pictures. I guess this is why the baseball team has this name as I haven't seen this type of bird until we moved here.

Today was a busy day as Denis and Irene moved their stuff out of the house and back to the motorhome in anticipation of Jessica's arrival tomorrow. Two weeks has actually gone by fast and before you know it our house will be quiet again... NOT!!! I don't think our house has ever been quiet... okay well maybe this summer when the kids were gone. It's been nice having company and Shannon and I have even had some time to spend together. I spent the day at a conference for Managers Customer Service and as part of our presentation we hired a juggler. I think I'm actually getting the hang of it and will soon be able to entertain at parties. Ketchup is off to doggie hotel tomorrow and will get a much needed haircut in the process. That's all for now and hopefully tomorrow I'll post some pictures of Sterling bowling in action.


Sunday, 28 October 2007


History of the Jack-O-Lantern

The Jack O'Lantern legend goes back hundreds of years in Irish History. As the story goes, Stingy Jack was a miserable, old drunk who liked to play tricks on everyone: family, friends, his mother and even the Devil himself. One day, he tricked the Devil into climbing up an apple tree. Once the Devil climbed up the apple tree, Stingy Jack hurriedly placed crosses around the trunk of the tree. The Devil was then unable to get down the tree. Stingy Jack made the Devil promise him not to take his soul when he died. Once the devil promised not to take his soul, Stingy Jack removed the crosses and let the Devil down.
Many years later, when Jack finally died, he went to the pearly gates of Heaven and was told by Saint Peter that he was too mean and too cruel and had led a miserable and worthless life on earth. He was not allowed to enter heaven. He then went down to Hell and the Devil. The Devil kept his promise and would not allow him to enter Hell. Now Jack was scared and had nowhere to go but to wander about forever in the darkness between heaven and hell. He asked the Devil how he could leave as there was no light. The Devil tossed him an ember from the flames of Hell to help him light his way. Jack placed the ember in a hollowed out Turnip, one of his favorite foods which he always carried around with him whenever he could steal one. For that day onward, Stingy Jack roamed the earth without a resting place, lighting his way as he went with his "Jack O'Lantern".

Sorry to anyone who actually took the time to read this story. I actually thought it would be more interesting, but by the time I finished researching it, I really had nothing else to post to go along with these awesome pictures. Shannon says that going to the pumpkin patch and picking out the pumpkins is her favorite tradition and I would have to agree, though right up there for me is carving the pumpkins and making pumpkin seeds. One of my memories as a kid was doing exactly that only Mom would make the seeds. The kids enjoy making their designs and carving them out and I am getting more elaborate each year. I leave it up to you to guess who carved which pumpkins.


Saturday, 27 October 2007

Thursday, 25 October 2007


You want to build a stone wall around your 12'x20' garden.
If the bricks are 6" high & 6" wide and 1' long.
How many bricks will you need to make a wall 6" wide & 4' tall ?

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

did you know???

pumpkins are part of the berry family

that's one big ass berry

Monday, 22 October 2007

Celebrity Booger (Ya - that's right!)

Someone should really call social services. My mom has lost all parenting ability. As if it isn't bad enough living in a hotel, now she's running errands like a maniac and we're never home. Take this morning as an example. Mommy had a physical so we left when the big hand was on the twelve and the little hand was on the nine. We did her doctor thing but then we had to go to the new house to get something and see what was going on. There were some boys there that made mommy very happy. Something about the outside of the house getting done. Then we went inside to say hi to the painters. We finally got to leave only to come right back. The one thing she needed, some sort of wood sample, was the one thing she didn't do. Then we had to go to some eye appointment for me. Mommy kept trying to make me say the word. When I did she was really happy. Anyway, he said there was nothing wrong. I could have told her that. How do you think I always find the snacks you hide? Duh! We were in the doctors office forever. There were a lot of really old people there, even older that Amme and Baba. I started acting up so the nurse jumped me ahead of some other people. Mommy complained that we were there over an hour, whatever that is. Then she decided we should price out some blinds. We were at Home Depot FOREVER!!!! I tried being bad so we would leave but she made me stay and even said I was a really good girl while waiting. Boy, did that ever backfire. Anyway, she's not very bright these days and realized she didn't have a measurement for one of the windows. Then it was back to the house, call Home Depot, blah, blah, blah. To make a long story short, the little hand was on the two when we got back. Someone please help me. I don't know how much more I can take.

Love Emma

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Dear mom and dad

I'm so glad you are here. It is so good to see you. Even after all these years of living apart I still miss seeing you regularly. We have had a great time together this week. I have enjoyed our mornings together and it is so good to hear all about your travels. You have seen and learned so much and it makes me smile to see how bright your eyes become when you are reliving one of your many adventures. I hope I am as adventurous as you when I grow up.
The week has gone fast, don't you think? Mom, you have settled nicely into looking after a family. The meals have been delicious and from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for the laundry duty. Dad - I remember you shuttling me back and forth when I was a kid - now you have stepped right back into that role with the boys.

The boys are loving having you here. They love to be with you and are looking forward to spending some "my mom and dad aren't with us" time with you today.

You could have begged off all week but you didn't - You attended all the activities you could, cheered them on and let them know how much you care. Thank you for that.

I probably haven't said it enough but I love you and am so happy to have you here. Thanks for coming, thanks for staying more than 3 days and thanks for being my mom and dad.

love you,


PS - mom, can you stock the deep freeze with ready made meals before you leave?

Saturday, 20 October 2007

here goes

Hi All - happy Saturday. Sterling is playing with dominos, Kaed is getting his hair colored and Craig and dad have gone to get beer.

Here is this week's quiz. You asked for it, Cheryl, so I better see your answers!

Current Occupation: Project Designer and Educator
Dream Job: Nurse
Best birthday gift I could receive: Winning Lottery ticket
If I had a million dollars what is the first thing I would buy: A new van
When I was a teenager I thought at my age I would be: a teacher and mom of 4 kids
When I am 80 I hope to be doing: the tango
The person I'd like to be more like is: Kaedo

Can't wait to read what you have to say,

Friday, 19 October 2007


Hello All -
Thursday?? Ya, it's Thursday. This week has been a blur. Mom and dad are still here. They haven't decided to pack it in yet. Thank god.
Just thought I would post some of the pix from our pumpkin picking on Saturday. As most of you know, we have virtually no traditions. The boys alternate putting the angel on the top of the tree, we go to the movies on Christmas day, and we always go pumpkin picking. This is one of my most favorite adventures of the year. Having never gone picking as a child I am enthralled with the pumpkin patches and how they look. It took us some time, but we found a pumpkin farm we love. It is called Pingles, and it isn't to far from us. They have a few different things there. You can pay a fee and go into a corn maze, to pumpkin slingshots etc, or you can go to the pumpkin side and pick what you want. They have a little store and a wonderful smelling bakery too. So, off we went, looking at the pumpkins they had pulled from the patch and decided to sit among them to get the official photo.
We walked down into the patch with our trusty wheelbarrow and proceeded to scour the ground for the perfect pumpkins.

We picked tons of cool pumpkins. We returned to the "sales area" and picked mini pumpkins, ghourds, and indian corn. We also picked up some hay as I had big plans for a display in front of the house. On our way up from the field Sterling noticed the strawberries. He really wanted to pick some. I thought - what the heck. So I went and got a basket and was told that you pay by the lb or whatever. I was a little nervous as I didn't know how much strawberries cost. So, we picked and picked and eventually I said, "enough". We had barely covered the bottom of the basket. I was worried it would cost me $10. When I got to the till to pay, the girl sort of looked at me funny and said, ".59$". So much for worrying.

Well, that's about it. We had a wonderful time, got soaked and smiled and laughed and loved being together. It was great. I can't wait until next year!
Happy Fall everyone,
talk soon,

Thursday, 18 October 2007


Hi All -
It is Thursday morning - 8am and I thought I would update before the day got started here. Busy week as usual and we are just leading up to an even busier weekend. TKD tonight and Tennis tomorrow. Bowling and birthday party on Saturday and swimming and a date with amma and baba on Sunday. The boys are loving having amma and baba here and so are we. Right now I don't want them to leave.

Some of the benefits of having your parents visit:
baba takes the boys to school
amma/baba picks them up from school
amma cooks the meals
all the laundry gets done
baba is a handyman
they are attending the kids activities

It's really great to have them. When we first moved here we saw everyone every 3 months or so. It just can't be done anymore. The cost doesn't allow it and everyone has a busy schedule. So, I think that is why I appreciate having my family visit (this includes the Klassesns) when they can.

Sterling is starting swimming lessons today at school - if he is feeling up to it. He has a cold and isn't feeling too well. I didn't hear his seal bark last night so I hope he is feeling better this morning. Gotta go and get them up for their showers.

I have a bunch of pictures from our annual trip to Pingle's Farm this weekend and will try and get those posted tomorrow.
I hope everyone has a good day.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Ya! Scott!

So, Scott is the big weiner! Keep checking your mail.
All is well here. Mom and dad are in the house, and we are so glad to have them here. The boys are thrilled and we are too. They are out visiting GG right now and I think they are picking the boys up. Whatever they want is fine with me. Basketball starts tonight. Sterling is SO excited. TKD as well tonight so we have a busy few hours. Spell A Thon is Thursday and Friday so we are madly working on their words. The school is taking the pledges and buying more SmartBoards for the classes. We have 5 now and want another 5. We're practicing every night.

Since there are only 2 scrapbookers (that I know of - Cheryl, Laura) that check the blog on a semi-regular basis I have AWESOME news! I recently traded in all my quickuts squeeze tool templates and got a SILHOUETTE!!!!!! Ya! I have a friend who works in my LSS and I told her I was looking to sell my system. She asked me what I wanted for it and I said a SILHOUETTE. She traded everything for me and I got it today. It TOTALLY rocks! I'm not excited at all.

In the office tomorrow morning to sign my new contract. Maybe they are going to double my pay. A give me a unicorn to ride to work.

Sterling starts swimming lessons on Thursday through the school. I am looking forward to it and plan to go and watch. He is getting a lot of swimming in now.

How is everyone liking the riddle thing? Which would you rather? The riddle or the questions? Craig sent me a riddle he dared me to post on the blog. I regretfully declined. If you would like it email me privately and I will send it to you. It's great but I think Shirley would blush up to her eyebrows. Scott - I dare you to get this right! Without googling it!

OK - see you guys - much love to all. In less I don't like you - then no love to you.

OH ya! - Guess what? I MIGHT get the chance to go to NYC in December!! Yippee!

Monday, 15 October 2007

almost time

We are mere minutes away from mom and dad arriving. Can't wait. I hope to spend lots of time with them but know they have a lot of people to see here, so we'll see if they can spare a minute or two. They boys are SO excited! I think Sterling's words this morning were, "I am assuming that amma and baba will be picking us up. hmmmm. Yes my darling boy - they will be there. It is going to be hard to not give up some of our usual routines but they are here for two weeks so we are bound and determined to stick with it. Kaedo has told me that he is NOT going to TKD tonight. I guess we'll do three in a row. So much for being determined.
Craig is working late tonight and doesn't expect to get in until about 11pm. Sterling starts basketball tomorrow night - Kelly, I know you are loving that!
they are here....see ya

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Random Riddle

Hi All - happy Saturday. Only two more sleeps until the babysitters are here!

Here's a riddle for you:

You can draw me, fire me, or fill me...
what am I?

The first person to correctly answer will get some fun mail from me.


Friday, 12 October 2007

hijacked - for real - I'm not just sayin' that!

It's celebrity blog day at Kaeling's World and today's wonderful celebrity is none other than Emma Lavigne. (applause) This weekend I took my parents to Edmonton and we stayed in the Fantasyland Hotel. Mommy thought it was pretty shabby, especially for the price but I thought it was great. My bed was the bottom bunk of a firetruck with red lights on the cab. The best part was that I could turn that light on and off. Even at 4 in the morning. Mommy didn't think it was very funny. Daddy just slept through it. Go figure! We went to the Waterpark one day and they only tried to drown me twice. I don't know if they realize I am only 2. It was a fun day though. We also went to the Sea Life Caverns where I saw penguins and sharks and fish and snakes and stingrays and a bunch of other stuff. My daddy was really scared of the snakes but they didn't bug me at all. In fact, when they did a presentation with a snake, mommy had to keep holding me because I wanted to say hi to the 6 foot boa. I don't see what the problem was. We also went to a sea lion show. At the end we had our picture taken. It was awesome. I went on all the rides I could at Galaxyland then had a meltdown when we left. Mommy said something about needing a drink. We left on Tuesday and I had a good sleep in my carseat all the way to Three Hills. That's where Daddy stays for work. When we got to the motorhome I played with all my toys that we keep there and watched Treehouse. When it was bedtime Mommy decided to put me into their bed to fall asleep and move me later. Dumb move Mommy. I turned on her reading light and refused to go to sleep. Finally Daddy unscrewed the bulb in the reading lamp so I couldn't turn it on anymore. That didn't last long. I'm smarter than they think. About 10 minutes later I had it working again. That's about it for now. I'll hijack the blog again sometime.

Love Emma

Thursday, 11 October 2007


Hi All -
Happy Thursday!
So, yesterday Sterling brought home his EQAO (provincial testing) marks and he did AWESOME!! We were so thrilled. With all the upheaval last year with his idiot teacher and no practice we weren't sure how he would do. Well, he kicked it. His math mark was a little down, but it is his poorest subject, so we were happy. He was thrilled.
I'm so happy we don't have to worry about his current teacher getting pregnant - unless there has been a huge breakthrough in technology that I don't know about.

Kaed has TKD tonight. 3 nights in a row. It is the most convenient for us and the backyardigans and it is my turn to drive. Sterling is thrilled! He loves getting to go to B'ville and "hang out" with mom. I better take advantage as who knows how long it will last!

Had a great time as usual last night. My friend is so funny. She talks non stop so I get a chance to listen and don't have to think of anything to say. Got home at 10:30.
Working today - although you wouldn't know it since I am doing this.

Fact of the Day
Did you know...
...that the plastic things on the ends of shoelaces are called AGLETS?

Ok - that's all!

OH YA - the new look for the blog is for mom and dad and their trip to the Maritimes. Hope you like it. Actually - if you don't, too bad.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Fall is in the Air

Hi All -
how is everyone on this beautiful October morning? All is well here. It is sweater weather but that is so nice. It isn't cold but you get to be bundled up. Just working today so I thought I would do a little update. Not too much to tell you. The boys are well, the dog is clean (thanks Craig) and the night isn't too full. TKD and then homework. We can totally handle that.
This weekend we will spend some time on our activities and Craig will finish sanding the kitchen wall where the bar once stood. I just love it! I was using the bar as a junk collector not as a bar. HAD I been using it as a bar I would have kept it, but alas - the junk counter is gone.
Tonight is my weekly night out. We don't go out until 8:15 so the boys are pretty much ready for bed. It is lots of fun and I always look forward to it. Now if only I could convince her that the movies are good for you!
What else? I have more but will save some for later in the week.
Seriously people, I am running out of things to tell you. Please let me know if you like this mindless drivel or if you would like me to start a fact of the day or something.


Tuesday, 9 October 2007

is it monday?

Sure feels like it. Back to the work week and we have lots going on as usual. TKD tonight and tomorrow night, my regular Wednesday night out, a meeting on Thursday, tennis on Friday, Bowling and TKD on Saturday and bowling and swimming on Sunday. Fewf! The boys are just loving it! Sterling is starting Spanish at school in a couple of weeks, so he is thrilled about that. We are slowly getting away from TV at home and my goal is for the boys not to watch any TV during the week. They are averaging about 30 - 45 mins a night right now. Craig is a TV a holic so there is no saving him. I actually sat down and watched three shows we had taped last night. It was good but I think I've filled my quota for the next couple of weeks. Reading a good book right now and feeling very creative so I would rather be doing that. The boys are doing good and had a great weekend. We were busy but had fun and the boys were in bed at 7:30 last night. Notice how I didn't say asleep? Everyone was tired this morning. I got up at my regular time - 8:15 and got my shower and dressed. I woke the boys at 8:30 and they finally slugged there way downstairs at 8:40. We have to leave for school at 8:55, so it is a good thing they are morning people and aren't dally-ers. That is why I am so obsessed about getting everything ready at night. There is no fighting, stressing, attitude in the morning and everything runs smoothly.

Mom and dad are arriving on Monday for 2 weeks. So looking forward to seeing them. Will be working but will also get a chance to spend time with them. Craig is looking forward to the home cooked meals - although in my defense I have been cooking at least five nights a week. On the 30th Jessica will be arriving with the Dictator and the boys are looking forward to playing with that little munchkin. I have already booked Ketch into the doggie hotel.

Well, I guess that is it. Hope you have a good Tuesday. Wish me luck with my taxi service. Did I mention that I'm having a meter installed in the truck this afternoon?


Monday, 8 October 2007

Quiz of the Week

Hi All - it is 7:13am and I am up already! Ugh! Stayed up until midnight with the boys watching Suite Life with Zach and Cody. Nuts.

Thought of this last night while visiting with Sterling, hope you enjoy it.

10 Things You'd Like to Do in the Next Year:
here are mine:

1. Learn to flip poker chips like the villian in the latest James Bond movie
2. Rip out the carpet in the house
3. Go to Alberta at least once
4. Replace all the flooring on the main floor
5. Lose 80lbs
6. Win the lottery
7. Get a van
8. Pay off all my bills *this will work in conjunction with #6*
9. Take the boys on an actual holiday
10. Find a babysitter!

None of this sappy - "oh, I'd like to see my children fulfill all their dreams blah blah blah"

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Sterling and Dad's Night Out

Had a great night last night. On Thursday I received an e-mail at work that was sent to the project team of everyone who has been working on the Scotiabank/NHL partnership, that for every ones hard work, one of the Executives in charge of the deal procured an executive suite at the Air Canada Centre for the Leafs/Canadians game. There were nine sets of two tickets of which I was given a pair. The tough decision was who to take, and though I would have loved to have taken Shannon, logistically it wasn't going to happen. I decided it would be nice to take Sterling and have some one on one time. Kaeden was a little disappointed but came around with the promise of dinner and a movie with Mom and a souvenir from the game. Sterling had a great time and was extremely well behaved. He originally wanted to cheer for Montreal just to cheer against me but changed his mind once he got there. The seats were great and we had tons of food and drink and someone serving us (I'm telling you, that is the way to watch a hockey game). Sterling got into all the cheers and watched the whole game with interest. Toronto won in overtime and Sterling's only disappointment was that there wasn't a shootout. We took the train home and were entertained by some drunk guys giving commentary the whole way. Sterling thought they were just extremely funny until I later told him they were just extremely drunk, such innocence, though I gotta admit they were pretty entertaining. Got home at around 11:30 so needless to say we slept in but not to late as to go to swimming lessons today. Quiet day ahead so we may go bowling, Sterling is dying to see if I still have any game (don't know if I'm allowed to use that vernacular when talking about bowling, but I wanted to sound cool). I have included some pictures from last nights game.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, 5 October 2007

Feeling bummed today. Lots of little things bothering me. Oh well, that's life, isn't it? A mug that Jessica bought me got smashed today by one young extremely blond boy that shall remain nameless. Funny how things like that really hurt, isn't it? and I don't just mean stepping on the microscopic razor sharp piece of porcelain that did not get swept up.

Things I'm thinking about today:

We're all so busy drinking bottled water to guarantee that we get our "recommended 8-10 glasses a day" that we are filling landfills with these bottles...hmmmm yeah! mother earth

PA day today - hate those things. Funny enough, I saw one of the teachers shopping at
Wal-Mart while we were there today. She must be developing a keen ability to shop. Maybe it was a shopping challenge from one of their seminars. Who knows... hmmmm

Trying to find a fine line between what the boys want to do and what works for me - another activity has popped up that a larger lovely-locked boy who shall remain nameless, wants to pursue...what to do what to do

Looked at my calendar today and was suddenly overwhelmed with my life

Is NO TV good for kids? Do they really need it or do do we just need them to need it? hmmmm
on that note - is NO TV good for husbands or do we just need them to need it?

Isn't it amazing how easily you can lose your identity when you don't see it walking out the back door? Got to keep an eye on that damn thing!

Not too much going on this weekend. No, we will not be having turkey, chicken, chicken dogs, turkey wraps, or any other fowl. We may just eat cereal. You all know us and no that we are the least celebratory people on the planet. The stores are closed though...that sucks. What do I do if I have a hankerin' for some good ol turkey jerky?

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

quiz of the week

OK folks - here goes:

If you could have one super power what would it be:
protect o shield so that I could protect the boys from anything OR Ms. Freeze so I could instantly chill a bottle of coke when I wanted one

What chore did you do last:
cleaned up the breakfast dishes

What do you like to eat for lunch:
Kraft Dinner

What is the nicest thing you've done lately:
Take Sterling to get a new yo-yo

What makes you mad:
when Craig leaves his work dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher

What is your favorite book ever read:
Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd

for those of you skulking and not answering - get your butts in gear!


Hi All -
that's what you get when you listen to your kids!
The woman who died on the weekend was not a teacher but a parent of a grade 6 child and a big time volunteer in the school. I know it doesn't make it any less sad but I did want to clear that up.


Tuesday, 2 October 2007


Hello all -
some tragic news coming out of our school today. A teacher was killed in a terrible car accident over the weekend. The accident occurred right around the corner from the school at a busy intersection. She is survived by son who is a student at our school (she may have more - but this is all the boys said). M. Avarell, Sterling's teacher left school early today to attend the funeral. As funny as it sounds, I was GLAD to see the flag flying at half mast. So often it is used only for dignitaries, etc.
Don't know if you pray or not, but please keep this family in mind. A son has lost his mom - there is nothing sadder than that.

little blond dictators

An email from Jessica I received last night - (hope you don't mind!) I figure we actually needed proof of the dictatorship. I have come to call her Minimonster.

Well, tonight it happened. I had hoped it would take a little longer, but no, tonight was the night. Within two minutes of putting Emma in her playpen, before even leaving the room and turning off the light, she climbed out. Finally, after some abuse from her mom, she decided to stay in but take everything out of her playpen, including the mattress. I put her on the bed while I remade the playpen and she said she was going to sleep on the bed. She is still there, not quite asleep, but she hasn't climbed (or fallen) off. I guess we'll try this and see what happens.

Hmmm - so does that mean you are sleeping in the playpen, Jessica - or has it gotten that far yet?


Monday, 1 October 2007

100th post

Today is the 100th post. Can you believe it? You've read this shit 100 times. Sucks to be you.
All is well here. Monday is always a frantic day of trying to get organized and see what is on the homework schedule for the week. TKD for Kaed today and Sterling had the rare occasion to play out with our next door neighbors. They had such fun. The neighbors were dressed up in their Halloween costumes and looked so damn cute. Speaking of Halloween. We are still trying to decide if we are doing the whole trick or treating thing or if we might head out to dinner and a movie instead. Kaed is the lone hold back, so we'll see what happens. I might have to sweeten the pot so we can get out of the whole stupid thing.
Pretty busy week this week. I was in Markham today and Kaed was at TKD. Tomorrow he may go as well as Wed and Thurs are a no go for us. Sterling is anxious for tennis to start on Friday and is loving bowling and will be doing that on Saturday. I think swimming is off this weekend for Thanksgiving but I'm not certain. 4 day weekend this week. Friday is the first of many PA days and Monday is Thanksgiving. This will be the first time in 3 years I have been here at Thanksgiving as I am always travelling. We might have to celebrate by having hot dogs for supper. Actually, we have been invited to some friend's house for dinner, so we'll see.

Well, that's it.