Thursday, 11 March 2010

Poor Pooch

On Sunday we noticed that one of Ketchup's eyes looked swollen. We kept an eye on it and Craig and I both washed it out and held compresses over it (no small feat with a dog) and it wasn't getting better. We thought maybe it was a blocked tear duct (ahh, the wonders of the Internet).One side of his face is swollen and he has seemed a little lethargic. He has been eating well and still going out but he just didn't seem right.

I have to be honest and say that I didn't want to take him to the vet. I was so scared that they would tell me he has cancer or something and I would have to tell the boys. So yesterday we could wait no longer. I took him to the vet. I'm happy to report that he does not have cancer - thank god- but he does have an abscessed tooth that is pushing the infection up into his eye area.
Let me say that Ketchup really costs us nothing. Almost. About $100 a YEAR in food and maybe $20 in treats (unless Emma is visiting). He is a great pet and an important part of our family. He is Sterling's best friend and we love him to bits. We have never regretted getting him (thanks again, Cheryl - he is awesome!)

In saying all that, I have to tell you, I thought I was going to be sick when they gave me the estimate for his surgery - $1081. I almost had a heart attack. Needless to say he is taking antibiotics and we have been told that should get rid of the infection and buy us some time to save the money. So, $116 later, I have a dog that's sick, smelly canned dog food in my fridge and two relieved boys.

$22 million tonight for the 649. If anyone wins can they send $1081 our way???


GrmpaGrmma said...

Stan is always hoping he wins ALOT of money but when he checked his tickets from last night - $10 big dollars - sorry don't think that will help with poor Ketchup. Hope the pills help him get better.

Just got home from a fun time of Line Dancing. Stan went for coffee with Robert & Hank and then Robert took him to the church to help set up tables and chairs. We have a big conference in our church this coming weekend so there's lots to get ready for.

It's a beautiful day here this morning - blue sky and a little bit of wind - BRING ON SPRING!!!

We had a great day with our friends Ed & Marion and Bill & Margaret yesterday in Regina and the day went by way to quickly.

Well, like one lady at Line Dancing said - today she'd better Play House and get something done. I think I'd better try and do that as well.


Annette said...

Oh poor Ketchup! I hope he's feeling good soon! Lily has food allergies (not cheap) so I can sympathize with the vet bill!

Funny that you wish to win the lottery! I had a lot of things weighing heavy on my heart today and wished more than once that I could win the lottery....but I guess it would be good to buy a ticket then! lol!

Take care!