Friday, 19 March 2010

Spring Things

Spring has Sprung in our neck of the woods. The boys spent Wednesday afternoon outside playing on their scooters, Easy Roller, RollerBlades, playing with pylons, rope, wood AND spending lots of time with their friends out at the park. It was a great day. Sterling wanted to get practicing his roller blading and after a while felt comfortable with me getting a little footage. Next he's going to teach himself how to go backwards. Hoping the weather stays good through the weekend so they can pull out their bikes and maybe we'll take a trip to Darlington Park for a walk.
Hope Spring has Sprung wherever you are.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

WE THOUGHT SPRING HAD SPRUNG BUT - WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND IT'S SNOWING AND I EVEN HAD TO USE MY BRUSH TO CLEAN WINDOWS OFF AFTER CURVES!!!!! Oh well, moisture for everyone. Not sure how much is supposed to fall but it's covered everything. Temperature is supposed to be +11 tomorrow so if that's true, the snow won't be around long. Yesterday Stan just commented - should I put the shovels away and I said the day we do that, it will snow!! He didn't get them put away so will probably be out cleaning sidewalks today. The weather looks beautiful there and the boys look great. Good job there Sterling!

Hope things turned out okay last night for Kaeden. BIG HUGS TO YOU!
We had lots of fun and laughter at our Walleyball last night and no one got hurt!

Not much planned for the weekend but it always seems to go by fast.