Friday 12 March 2010


Today is the beginning of Spring Break for the boys. They are off all week next week and are very much looking forward to it. Aside of course for the dentist appointment Sterling has. He is not thrilled about that. At all. Oh well, such is life.

As for Ketchup he is doing well. His cheek is still swollen but he is sweet as always. We are giving him his medicine and for now it seems to be working. At least a little. Poor guy.

Got some great news yesterday. My shift is changing to 1:30-8 Tuesday and Thursdays. Looking forward to getting home even a little earlier during the week. There may be some 10-6pm shifts coming available so I am looking forward to maybe scooping up a couple of those.

Heading off to work and the first meeting of our new team. An hour off the phones on a Friday is a nice bonus. Working tomorrow - ugh. Hope you have a great weekend.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK OFF STERLING & KAEDEN!!! Good luck with the dentist appt. Sterling - just close your eyes and think of your wonderful trip and it will all be over before you know it. HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND AS WELL!