Tuesday 2 March 2010

weekly gnome

Weekly gnome. Week 23 - can you believe it? To be true, we should be on week 25, but Disney got in the way.
Crazy busy at work last night with the last day of RRSP season. I was shocked at how many people called at 9:30pm to make their contributions. Talk about down to the wire!
All is well here. The boys are doing great and are looking forward to their next break in 2 weeks for Spring Break.
The weather is great and I am looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I get to pick the boys up from school and spend time with them. Craig is working tomorrow night and so it will just be the three of us. Looking forward to being with my boys!
Hope you have a great day wherever you and and whatever you're doing.

1 comment:

KPJC said...

Oh my goodness they look like they have gotten so much older.
We are doing good and looking forward to "Walking with the Dinasaurs" on Saturday. The weather here is awesome and melting every day, hopefully it continues and does not get colder.