Monday, 29 March 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

The boys decided they were going to treat themselves to a movie yesterday afternoon and they went and saw "How To Train Your Dragon". Craig and I are not much into cartoons (except Toy Story 3), so the boys did the solo thing. I took them into the theater got the tickets organized and they bought their treats. Love it when they spend their own money. Got them settled in the theater and then Craig and I went and did the groceries. Not as exciting as the movies but it still needed to be done.
We picked them up (ahh, the memories of my childhood) and they spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework, playing on the computer, watching TV and hanging out. Kaedo spent a couple of hours with a friend and Sterling and I almost finished his latest Hardy Boys book, as well. Needless to say when I looked at the clock at 11:11pm I was shocked it was already so late!
Back to life today. Boo!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sterling, Kaeden & Jacob were all at the same movie at the same time yesterday - are you guys wearing your cool glasses as well? Jacob was showing us his yesterday.

We woke up this morning to "SUN" - they say it's supposed to get to +19 today and could break a 40 year record. Only trouble is it's windy again and they're predicting 60 Km whichis making the old trees sway quite abit.

Not too much planned for today other than wash and baking buns and I'd better get them both on the go pretty quick. We just finished our morning coffee and relaxation in the living room.