Thursday 4 March 2010

Weigh In Thursday

Hello all - a day late this week. Start with the weight news - down about 1/2 lb. Not much action. Need to get renewed, revitalized about this. Going to go and do some yoga after posting this. They have free exercise programs on Rogers On Demand, so I'm going to check it out.

Even though I was off yesterday, it was a very busy day. Took the kids to school, returned some videos to the library, met up with a friend for a visit, took Sterling to an appointment, picked Kaedo up from school, took them to Wal-Mart (Sterling was looking for something), brought them home for supper, read 100+ pages with Sterling to get his Book Study book completed, scribed his report and typed it out, watched some TV with the boys, started the laundry, got Craig's breakfast and lunch together, and ironed his clothes for today. Got to bed about 10:15pm.
Try saying that 5 times fast.

A good day all around. Now back to work for 3 days. The weather here is awesome. The boys were out in their short sleeves yesterday afternoon. Don't know if we can put the ski jackets away yet, but it sure has been great. I'm hoping we're done with Winter and can safely move into Spring. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Weigh to go Shannon!! Don't think 1/2 lb. is much but just think of a 1/2 lb. of butter - keep it up.

Sounds like you had a very busy day yesterday but I guess that's how the day's off go.

Today it is beautiful outside and by Sunday it's supposed to be +11 - we're not quite ready to put winter jackets away but at least we know it must be coming soon.

Just got home from Line Dancing & picking up a few groceries and hope to get dough on the go for fresh buns for supper tonight - not sure what else we'll have but I'll find something. Stan's off to the church again this morning and he thinks they will be done by noon.

Have a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!