Tuesday, 16 March 2010

What a nIce Surprise

Heading into work this morning - first day shift - I got a call from my sweetie - he was up in my neck of the woods.
Craig: "hi, I'm on the jitney at Eg_________ and Bi_________"
me: "what are you doing there?"
Craig: "meetings"
me: "cool"
Craig: "I'm looking at the parking lot - I think you'll have to park in the back 40"
me: "Thanks for the tip"

I wish he was up here everyday. It would sure save on me having to drive through the parking lot looking for a spot. Maybe he could set up a lawn chair in an empty space and save it for me.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

I also had a nice surprise this morning - thank you for the call Shannon!! Hope your new shift goes well and that you found a parking spot not too far away.

Big Hi 5's to Sterling & Kaeden for being such good kids! We'll give them a call later to see how their day went.

Stan's off to his hockey - he has hockey twice this week, today and Friday and then he's done for another year. We have big plans to start walking when he's finished hockey. Hope it works out or maybe even get some bike riding in before too long.

Not sure what the rest of the day will bring other than I have a much needed hair cut this afternoon at 2:00. I can hardly wait.