Wednesday, 24 March 2010

From the Archives

Hello All -
Just a brief post with some pictures from the Archives. These are from 2004. The boys are doing good. Sterling has decided he likes taking the bus to school in the morning so he has been doing that all week. Kaedo hates taking the bus so I am finding myself kissing Sterling at the door as he rushes out to catch the bus then taking Kaedo to school. He says he won't complain about having to take the bus the two days a week he has to but is adamant that he will not be taking the bus the other 3 days a week. Whatever. A few more minutes with him in the morning is awesome so I'm not complaining.
Yesterday I picked them up from school and on our way home one of their friends was getting off the bus. We hadn't been home 2 minutes when he rang the bell. He ended up calling his mom, doing his homework at our house then having supper with us. "your food is delicious". Can't beat that. especially when all it was was Pate Chinois (gross). Nothing like making you feel good.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Hey Shannon,
I was wondering if I could get Shirley's email address from you or if you could get her to email at I've got a secret project for Jeremy's parents anniversary and I need a bit of help.....but it's a secret!