Terrible pictures, I know. This is what you get when you let two boys take every available pillow and blanket in the house and put them in the office for a camp out. They slept there on Friday and Saturday night and I can't believe they actually can walk straight up today. Craig won't let them stay in the basement as he doesn't want the TV down there on all night and there is no exit, so for them the best option is the office. Right now I have had to threaten with "all afternoon boredom" in order to get them to clean up their mess.
Spring Break is officially over and it is back to school tomorrow. I'm going to miss having the little buggers home.
Hey Kaeden, did you find your penny? Sterling, you are skating really well. It's so nice to see all the photos and videos, we feel that we are watching you growing up before or eyes. Thanks Shannon and Craig.
We are in Lake Havasu. We've been at the flea market today, didn't get fleas but got a couple of items purchased. We are having company for supper tomorrow night so we've got to get out to the store and buy some "Company" food.
Love to all
By the looks of it, we don't have to worry too much about how soft the boys beds are while they're visiting, as long as they're good and tired!!
Back to routine again this morning - hope your week goes well and the boys have a great week at school. All before they know it, summer will be here.
We have fog again this morning. Yesterday was +14 and this morning when I went to Curves, it was 0 and the wind feels very cold. We had our breakfast & coffee and then out to the IPlex to pick up tickets for the big curling event going on in S.C. We got tickets for tomorrow night's games - Canada will be playing against U.S. so when we went to get tickets, there were not very many left in good sections. Oh well, it will be exciting just being there. Bill & Margaret Greenbank are coming tomorrow for a visit and they were interested in taking in the curling as well so it should be a fun evening.
Guess I'd better go get a little housework done before my company arrives tomorrow and think of something for our supper.
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