The boys are heading to gramma and grampa's house today for two weeks. It is going to be quiet at Anti's. I have spoken with J and the boys numerous times throughout the week and know they have had an amazing time. There is a reason they think their Anti is the coolest person on the planet.
While I know there will be tears at the meet point, I also know there will be tons of thrilled smiles and laughter as the boys continue on their journey. Their grandparents are so very excited to have them and they are excited to go. Amazing how quickly this holiday has gone.
Four weeks down and three weeks, 2 days left. But who's counting?
You're on the right side of the holiday now. Now you can say it's over half done. Thank you for giving all of us the opportunity to spend time with them. They are truly amazing and full of fun. They know what they want and don't hold back. S likes to sleep late and then it's go,go,go. K is always up for anything and everything but crashes early. He hasn't been the night owl he is at home.
Don't know what happened there but obviously the blog figured I was finished "talking" as it disappeared, then re-appeared as published.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Have a wonderful time with the boys, Stan and Shirley. They will brings lots of noise and laughter into your home.
Love to all
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