Sunday, 28 July 2013


Friday was hand-off day and that meant some tears, lots of smiles and the beginning of the next leg of their adventure. The one thing I really wanted was a picture of J, the girls and the boys together. I don't think there is another one in existence, so I really wanted one. Thank you to my M-I-L for snapping this.
Huge thank you to J for being such a wonderful host and for giving the boys such an awesome week. You are the best!

I had to laugh when I saw this photo as these are the same toys that have been at gramma and grampa's house for the last 40 years. The boys have been playing with these toys all their lives and while I haven't seen them play with 'toys' in years, I wasn't surprised to see these pulled out from the closet.

In S's email, she said the boys had a cookout. Are those even hotdogs? They look like black sticks. As my M-I-L likes her meat burnt well done, I was wondering if everyone was making their hotdogs for her. LOL.

Look at those happy smiles! Love it! There will be lots of pictures over the next couple of weeks so we'll all be seeing what they've been getting up to together! 


Denis & Irene said...

Great photos of everyone. Just love those toys, I remember we had all the Fisher Price ones. Your back yard looks very inviting Stan and Shirley. Hope the weather stays as good as it's been this week for the rest of the summer which ends in November, right!

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Having lots of fun with our "big" guys.

Re: the cookout - really the boys were cooking their own hotdogs although I was ready to grab one of theirs because as you can see, I hadn't got mine cooked yet.

The guys are in the garage with grampa - Kaeden had already done his handywork with grampa and Sterling decided he wants to make something as well. We are off this afternoon to the car races which start at 2:00 p.m. It is a beautiful day so far a +18, sun shining and abit of wind. Hopefully the wind is blowing to the east today. We were all eating dust after last night's windy car races - ears, teeth and face felt gritty with dirt. Boys want Gnome photo taken at the Car Races - hope between the 4 of us, we will remember!!

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!