Monday 29 July 2013

Week 44

Boys are in Swift Current this week on the third leg of their journey. They took this picture at the race track. Can you spot Gnomie? As I look at this picture I wonder if I will ever see their beautiful eyes again!

At the race track, Sterling won a $20 gift certificate to an auto shop. He and grampa were going to head over there today to see if there was anything to buy. Hopefully he thinks to hand it over to grampa if he doesn't find anything.

They are having a great time and there are lots of pictures to post, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

I can't spot gnomie. Way to go, Sterling, isn't it wonderful to win something, anything??

Had friends over for Happy Hour yesterday and we're going for supper with them tonight. We first met them in Parker last year. They are in our park until Thursday and may be back once more before we all meet again in the sunny south.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Love to all