Thursday, 19 January 2012

This week we were late in the day getting our photo taken. Sterling looks like he is about 6 feet tall. Today we were in a conference at his school about high school (yikes) and the principal said to Sterling, "you're what, about 6 ft tall now?" I just have to remember she's about 4'11", so 4th graders probably look tall.

Kaedo so badly wanted me to take a picture of him with Ketchup. This was the result. They both look so cute. Not sure what Ketchup was thinking but Kaedo was in 7th Heaven.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Hard to believe that the boys are outside without jackets on! It is -21 here with wind chill of -33!! It is supposed to get nicer for the weekend so we'll keep our fingers crossed.

Sterling does look like he has grown some more. Hope things went well regarding his high school subjects - that is also very hard to believe.

Kaeden - you and Ketchup look toooo cute! Hope you had a great day.


Denis & Irene said...

Love the photos. Kaedo, they say that after a while a dog and it's owner start looking alike. Ya think!! You are both so cute. Sterling, you do look like you've grown more since we were there at Christmas. We were at the Childrens' Museum when Emma was here and we did a questionnaire to see how tall she would be based on her parents height, her height now, etc. etc. It said she would be 6'1", Jessica wasn't too happy about that. The Lavigne women (Denis's aunties) are and were all over 5'10 and his grandma was over 6', so who knows. She sure is tall for 6 though.

We went to the H Plant Museum at the U of Tampa today. What a magnificent building. It was built as a hotel and opened in 1891. It never made any money and the only time it was full was during the Spanish-America war. It was built at a cost of 2-1/2 million and 1/2 million in furnishings. Plant's widow sold it to the City of Tampa for $125,000. after the Depression. It became a University in 1933. What a fabulous place to go to school and the tuition is quite staggering also. It was a great day and the museum part was awesome.

Lovely weather here. St. Pete's Beach tomorrow we are thinking so that we can get home in time for Texas Hold'em.

Love to all