Friday 6 January 2012

another day

Had a great day with the fam today. Love it when that happens. We had doctors appointments this morning and our doc looked a little overwhelmed when he saw all of us in the room. It wasn't too bad - we took it easy on him. Headed to Costco and did a little shopping and prescription refills. Headed home to pick up the car from the mechanics (gasp - yuck) and then went and licensed the damn thing. It's a good thing I love that rolling turd so much or it would be on the junk heap. I think that's where the mechanic thought it belonged. haha
We came home and Kaedo played video games while the rest of us ran errands and spent the afternoon 'just doing'.
Craig is cooking Chicken Fried Rice for supper - yum - and then we'll probably continue our MacGyver marathon and round it out with some "Dance Party 3" action.
This is the last day of holidays for Craig and the boys and we have had such a great Christmas vacation. Now if only I could get the kids to go to bed!!!!


Denis & Irene said...

Glad you had such a great day and getting supper cooked for you also, that's a bonus. Sterling and Kaeden, your gnome photo is awesome, you definitely look great in those colours.

We spent a great day in Tampa, walking the Riverwalk, Plant park, University of Tampa (which is a fabulous old Moroccan style building) and took the trolley on it's complete route. Very inexpensive day. Lunch w/dessert for the kids plus the trolley ride plus all day parking underground at the beautiful convention centre for a grand total of $26.00 for the five of us. Lunch was Subway, but $5.00 for all day parking and $5.00 for a one hour trolley ride for all of us makes for a very cheap day. Hard to believe when you look at the cost of doing things at home. Busch Gardens was wonderful on Thursday and we plan to go back there on Monday. Today we are heading to St. Petersburg Pier to see what's going on there. Hope to get in a harbour tour as well.

The weather is great, not too hot but no need for a jacket either.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Hope everything went well with doctor appts. and it was good you could all get in at the same time. Also hope the wait wasn't too long for you.

Craig - I bet your chicken fried rice tastes better than your mom's! I just made it last week from the left over turkety from the Klassen Christmas (I didn't cook one so Esther offered some of hers and I accepted!) and we had a couple of meals from it because I made quite abit.

Sounds like you all had a wonderful holiday together and Monday morning will probably be pretty hard getting back into a schedule. Earlier to bed better start tonight to get the routine working again.

Still haven't got Christmas decorations down but hope to this week sometime. It's nice enough out today that Stan and I will get the ones outside taken down.

Have a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!