Saturday, 7 January 2012


Today is a regular day here at home. Craig has gone to football, I slept in a little, the boys are playing video games, I`ve talked to the fam in Florida and now I am sitting down with my Playbook (thanks again Craig - YOU ROCK) watching OLD episodes of the Love Boat. My favorite show as a kid, my favorite show as an adult. I`m addicted to the cheesy, funny, lovely way the show was created and am amazed at how many big named stars made appearances. I can`t get enough of it. Anyway - if you`re wondering what I`m doing I`m sitting on my chair, in the sun, watching people fall in love. Wasn`t called the Love Boat for no reason!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like a great day to relax!

We also have a bright blue sky, sun shining and believe it or not - hardly any wind. It is -5 but with no wind, feels much, much warmer.

Have a great day! Hi to Denis & Irene in the warm south as well as Jessica and the girls. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Denis & Irene said...

Happy New Year to you also, Stan and Shirley. Glad your weather is good, sounds like the winter hasn't been too bad this year.

We went to St Petersburg today and had lunch on the pier. Jessica got out of her chair to take Emma to the bathroom and a bird flew down and stole one of her fries. Too funny.

We bought some fish and fed the pelicans. Emma was thrilled by that. We didn't think she'd be brave enough to feed them but she did it. We also took a trolley ride through the Arts district of St. Pete's. There are some great museums that Denis and I will visit after the little ones have gone.

Tomorrow we are going to the circus. This is the big time, big city circus that I remember going to in Montreal when I was a kid. We haven't told Em we are going yet as the tickets were just about sold out and we didn't get any until late today. We don't have anywhere near front row seats but we'll be in the building. Jessica was PO'd as the Lightning had no games while they are here, but the circus is one of the reasons. This is the real "Greatest show on Earth". Having said that, I'd rather see the animals in the wild but the performers are usually really great.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Love to all