Monday, 16 January 2012

playing catch-up

Kaedo gave Craig a box of chocolates for Christmas and the box was shaped like a football. Craig has wanted to build a hat stand for his numerous hats and the chocolate box he received was just the inspiration he needed. He created this cool stand that now displays all his hats, rather than piling them up one on top of the other. Craig - you rock!


Anyone who has seen me in the last year knows that my hair has been pretty long - almost half way down my back as of Saturday. It was time for a change. Craig and I poured over new haircuts, because in this family long = good. I had just had enough - time for a change. This is a little shorter I anticipated but I'm quite in love with it. It has prompted me to really get dieting as now I have no hair to hide behind. Here's to hoping for more changes.

Sorry for two pix on one day - I couldn't get in gear to do this yesterday. Even bloggers need a day of rest, right? haha

++ i don't know why there is some random gibberish in the middle. Please disregard!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great job on your hat rack Craig!

Love your haircut Shannon - always have loved your hair and wished mine were half as thick as yours. Doesn't matter how long/short/dark/light whatever, you look great.

Didn't mind having 2 pix in one day at all - we do always check everyday on both blogs and if there's something there, we enjoy them very much.

Hope you have a great day - all the best with your appointment this week. Love you so much.


Denis & Irene said...

Love the hat rack Craig. I'm sure Kaedo was thrilled that you used his gift for such a great project.

The hair is super Shannon, makes you look younger I think, and you can never get too much young.

Heading to the Dali Museum today. It's in St. Petersburg and the day is lovely for a drive along the causeway. Never get tired of the scenery. A neighbor told us about the Ringling Mansion and Museum in Sarasota yesterday. I guess there's money to be made owning a circus. It looks fabulous and they have a great website. Will definitely be checking that one out before we leave here.

Texas Hold 'Em at the clubhouse tonight at 7 so we want to be back for that.

Hope everyone's weather is good for this time of year. The nights are cool here once the sun goes down but mid 20's during the day.

Love to all