Sunday, 4 September 2011


Yesterday we spent the early part of the day as a family just hanging out. We went and returned an RC car Kaedo had bought and didn't like, headed to Costco, took a visit to my favorite store (Value Village) and then came home, just in time to drop Kaedo at J's house for an afternoon and evening of hanging out together.
Sterling has a fantastic time at Joyride on Friday but fell and sprained his arm. He's in a lot of pain and was miserable yesterday, but that didn't stop us from putting him to work. When we got home, we took a look at the backyard, and decided it was time to get the pool down once and for all (the process had been started earlier in the week) and get the yard mowed, etc. Once we started, we were on fire. We got the pool down, the lawn mowed, the summer flowers thrown out, the weed whipping done, the weeds pulled out of the flower bed and the lawn raked. We assisted K & C, our neighbors, in getting the front cleaned up as well. It felt good to get everything done, and Craig was surprised he had such a willing helper in me. My hands are paying for it today from my scratching due to to the weed pulling but it was worth it and I'm so glad I can say I haven't left it all to Craig to do. I talked to C yesterday and she told me I should plant my tulips on Thanksgiving, so I am FINALLY going to do it. You all know how much I love tulips, so I am going to finally plant my own this year! I can't wait.

Today we will be transplanting our Hibiscus plants and re-potting some others that are in desperate need. I don't want to bring in the Hibiscus from the back until they have been transplanted - too many bugs out there!!! So, we are off to the garden centre and who knows what else the day will bring. Must check all my school snacks as nothing is open tomorrow and school starts on Tuesday. I can't believe it. This summer has gone so fast and was so wonderful. The best I can remember. Thanks to all of you who made it possible!


Denis & Irene said...

Wow! You did an awesome job. Nothing like the satisfaction from physical labour when you can see the results immediately. Bet your backyard seems way bigger now. It is such a relaxing place in the summer though with the pool and the trampoline. A fun place to sit down and watch the antics.

The tulips will be something to look forward to come spring and they are one of the first flowers to come up. Wouldn't it be great if that old hibiscus finally bloomed?

Ted and Cheryl are coming for lunch today on their way through to Lethbridge. They've been touring the Island and have to get home so they can get everything ready prior to leaving for the south. They have a home in Lethbridge so they have more preparation than we do. They leave quite a bit earlier than we do also.

Wonderful weather again today although a little cool this morning. It's supposed to be a lovely day and much warmer over the next few days.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Your yard looks GREAT! Wow, you all worked hard by the sounds of it and it was all worth while. Hope your hands are feeling abit better after all that work and also hope Sterling's arm is feeling okay.

Is the Hibiscus your mom talking about the same one that I took lots of pictures of because of the beautiful flowers on it? I just couldn't get over how huge they were and blooming outside.

Thank you again for the photo album Shannon - we've both sat and looked through it again since we got home and it brings back lots of fun memories with your family. We had such a great time and I totally needed the break from everything going on here. While driving back and about 1/2 hour from Herbert, I could feel myself tensing up and my stomach getting "scared". We did have a good visit with mom that day but had around 8 phone calls after we got home and it was like we had never even been there. Sad, sad but I just have to let it go and know that she's being looked after 24/7.

Good luck with the tulips - they are a pretty hardly flower and they will be beautiful with the help of your green thumbs.

Dad and I just got home from church and lunch with Robert & Barb. We had alot of catching up to do. Last night's surprise b'day party went over really well and they did manage to surprise Hank. We got home around 10:30 and relaxed watching t.v. We're going to get on our Roughrider t-shirts and cheer for our roughies!!

It's sunny, blue sky and some wind here today and around 20 degrees and hope it continues all week.

Hope the rest of your long weekend goes well - talk to you tomorrow.