Well, we've made it. Another year of gnome pictures. The boys decided on an action shot this week, and so I caught them in mid-air celebrating what we feel is a pretty momentous occasion. To some it may seem silly but to get teenagers to pose with a gnome every week for two years is a big deal. Our new gnome will be presented next week along with a new blog header. We have retired this gnome to the back yard and I will post pictures of the "retirement party" tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in every week to see them all. Gnomeeee was just telling me yesterday how much fun he has had!
Great action shot. We have so enjoyed seeing the weekly gnome photos. Look forward to year three.
We are at the library before starting our bicycle trip along the Vedder River. We are laptopless. Yesterday, the old one just said it had no more memory so goodbye. That will be our first purchase when we return to Alberta. Between the high basic prices and the HST here, we can wait until we get home.
Yesterday we took the Skytrain, Seabus and bus to Capilano Bridge and Grouse Mountain. After that we went to Gastown, Chinatown and, of course, East Hastings. We have read so much about the hell hole called East Hastings Street and there was no exaggeration. We literally had to step over people who were sleeping, shooting up, tokin' and snortin'. There were police but they did nothing but keep the peace. It was quite an experience but not one I really want to do again. Had to do it once though. We had an awesome day and the public transportation was so efficient and cheap that we will never drive around the city again.
The weather is still holding up although a little cloudy today. That will probably be a blessing as it's way better to be a little cool when biking. We'll be back in Lethbridge in two weeks. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone by. Hope everyone has awesome weather.
Love to all.
You did a great job catching both boys in midair! Just looks like they are having alot of fun. Keep the back yard safe gnome.
We just got home about 1 1/2 ago from a quick trip to Saskatoon. We left on Tuesday around 11:00 a.m. and I did most of the driving because of Stan's knees. He drove some but we didn't want to push it. The reason for the trip was to meet Mike & Phyllis so Mike and Stan could celebrate their b'day's (Mike's the 22nd and Stan's the 23rd) by going to the NHL hockey game - Oilers against Chicago Black Hawks - OILERS WON! Kelly came down after school and met us for supper and then the men went to hockey game. My friend Bonnie Beisel and her husband came to Saskatoon for Darold and their son Devin to take in the game as well. We met Bonnie and us girls went to a movie. It was cheap Toonie Tuesday at the theatre we went to and there weren't alot of movies that we thought would be interesting. We chose to go to Midnight in Paris - DON'T BOTHER going to it - BORING!!! We did sit through it and were glad we only paid $2. Went across the parking lot to McDonalds for coffee and had a fun visit together. We made it back to the motel just as the men arrived. Kelly was well on his way back to P.A. Mike & Phyllis didn't stay for the night so we said our goodbyes and then went up to Bonnie & Darold's room for a visit. We met them again for breakfast and they left for Calgary and we went to visit Hank Giesbrecht who is in the City Hospital for his second knee replacement. Had a visit with him and left Saskatoon around 1:00 p.m.
Stan is off to a free kickoff BBQ for Bronco ticket holders. He just left with Leonard and when I got home, I had a message left from Elections Canada office that there were 8 books for me to type - so guess what I'll be doing for a few hours this evening!
Hope your holiday continues to run smoothly Denis & Irene.
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