Sunday 18 September 2011

Congratulations Kaedo!

A big congratulations go out to Kaedo this week for making his school soccer team. We are thrilled for him and the hard work he put in proving to the coaches that he was the best candidate. He was over the moon thrilled and repeated the story of how he found out numerous times. I am just so happy for him. He LOVES soccer and has improved so much this year. We celebrated Friday night by watching a movie with popcorn, just the three of us. (Sterling was in his room grounded - but that's another story). Kaedo was thrilled to have all our attention focused on him and we enjoyed spending the evening with him. Hopefully we will get the chance to see him play in his big tournament in October. Will keep you posted.


Denis & Irene said...

Big congratulations Kaedo, there was no doubt in our minds. They have definintely picked a star player. Good luck in your games this fall.

Fun day yesterday at Granville Island and Stanley Park. The poor lady on the GPS didn't know where to guide us as they were making a movie downtown and the police were redirecting traffic for a huge area. A fountain we passed was all foamy so obviously that had been used for some part in the movie. Tens of thousands of people downtown, so vibrant and exciting. Denis and I need that city vibrancy every now and then as we miss it so much.

Making pies today for Laura's dinner tonight. We'll be spending time with some of our favorite cousins so it will be a great time. We haven't seen them for a long time but we take up where we left off every time.

Rained a little yesterday and raining off and on this morning. A light jacket required but that's it. Can't believe we only have another week here before moving on to Kelowna. Where has the time gone? Happy Sunday!

Love to all

KPJC said...

Congratulations buddy. As a coach it is always hard to cut kids from teams, but when you reward hard work to an athlete such as yourself it makes the job worth it. You must have knocked their socks off. Did you learn sock new "football" tricks? Jacob says he is going to teach me some of his new hockey tricks. I will show him this picture tomorrow. Good luck this soccer season.