Saturday 10 September 2011

Let's get it started....

Craig has been waiting for about 9 months for this league to start up again and today is the magical day! Football season resumes. While he has been playing all year, the league he has most recently been playing in has been a huge disappointment, so much so that he has decided he won't be playing in that league again. However, today starts his favorite. A new team, a good quarterback and hopefully a lot of fun. He has his hopes up. He plays at 11 and is already gone. And of course I must say - he's the best looking footballer I've ever seen. Long hair and all!


Denis & Irene said...

Enjoy, Craig! We know how much you love to play football and we hope the new season is enjoyable and injury free.

Another cloudless day and we're off to Hell's Gate and Boston Bar. Yesterday we did the tunnels along the Old Kettle Valley Railway line. Fabulous views of the gorge and we watched salmon trying to get upstream through the whitewater. We then headed to Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs. Very beautiful scenery and the water of Harrison Lake was so aqua in colour.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Lookin' good there son! Hope you had a great day at football yesterday and your team worked together. We also hope that the new season is enjoyable and INJURY FREE! Hate to see your kids hurt no matter how old they are.

Robert & Barb came over around 2:00 on Saturday and Barb and I made relish and ice cream pail pickles while the men watched football. After we got everything cleaned up, we BBQ hamburgers and fresh potatoes/carrots & onions for supper then after supper got playing Canasta - men won 2 and we one 1 AGAIN! Just can't seem to beat them.