Friday, 16 September 2011

Dove Chocolates

Most people know that I am in love with Dove chocolates. I love what their wrappers say and must have 50 of the wrappers lying around and stuck in my purse for inspiration. Right now the one in my wallet says "Smile". I really like this one that I recently unwrapped. If you can't read it, it says,"You know what? You look good in red". I love that. I think I would love to have the job that thinks up uplifting comments for inside a chocolate wrapper. It's like writing birthday cards.

Some other says are: "It's definitely a bubble bath day" and "Too much of a good thing is wonderful".

Nothing better than a smile before the guilt of eating the chocolate you really know you shouldn't have. Anyway - if you're looking for something inexpensive to perk up your day (and you love chocolate) this is the way to go

And as dove says, "SMILE".


Denis & Irene said...

Those chocolates are tooo dangerous. I'd be opening them to see what they say and then know I'd have to eat it. Glad my sweet tooth has gone south, just like the rest of my body. Chocolate used to be one of my major food groups but I've lost the taste of it. I'm sad but glad.

Yesterday Denis put in our new toilet. Nice to have a real handy man around. It is porcelain, not one of the normal RV types. We also surrounded our site with the new solar lights that we purchased. Today we're heading into Vancouver to have lunch at Granville Island and then head to Abbotsford to go to Costco. We have totally emptied our freezer so it's time for a refill. On our way back we'll stop for dinner in Chilliwack with Dan and Laura.

Still cloudy here right now but it's sunny and beautiful on the other side of our mountain and that's where we're heading. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

I agree with Irene - those chocolates are way tooo dangerous. Thank you for sharing one with me while we were there. I also love the sayings inside Shannon and the one you recently unwrapped - Roberta had red and black on today and someone commented to her - you look good in red! I had read your blog this morning and thought that was kind of neat. You would be a very good person writing uplifting comments inside a chocolate wrapper. Those wrappers even smell good and if you have some in your purse - it must smell like chocolate.

Hope you had a good day in Vancouver Irene and a fun evening with friends in Chilliwack. Wish we were in Chilliwack visiting our friends - Dennis & Elaine Giesbrecht. We were there for his 65th b'day last Sept. and now it's her 65th b'day this Nov. Would love to surprise her by going there. We'll have to see what happens.

Went to visit mom this afternoon with Linda, Jean and Roberta. Things don't seem to be improving too much but we seem to have a nice visit while we're there. She still thinks we should find her a place in S.C. to make her happy. We just tell her, we're still looking.

Stan's recouperating slowly - he's had ice packs on his knees off and on all day and is walking slowly. We've moved our little t.v. from the kitchen into the living room so he doesn't have to go up and down the basement stairs. Only thing is - this t.v. is much, much smaller and no HD!! Oh well!

Hope you all had a fun day - CONGRATULATIONS KAEDEN on making the school soccer team!!