Monday 31 December 2012

Week 14

Week 14 - and a day late! Yikes! I don't even know if that has happened in the last four years. If so, only once or twice. I would have forgotten all about it if I hadn't actually looked at the gnome when I was coming in the house after work. The last gnome picture of 2012!

The boys have had a good day with Craig. They headed to Mark.ham to pick up Craig's new TV. Sterling had a friend over until 4pm, and Kaedo went to a friend's house for Chinese food and a movie.

Tonight we are sitting down watching something on the new TV - there is something about electronics that fries the brains of the men in my life!

Plan to sleep in tomorrow and spend the first day of my holidays with my three best guys and the best dog in the world!

Happy New Year's Eve!

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