Sunday, 30 December 2012


Thanks to all our wonderful families, the big gifts this year were an HP Envy 15'6" laptop for Sterling and a Canon.Rebel T3i digital camera for Kaedo. We couldn't figure out how we were going to surprise them so we put a note into a box for each of them that said "check your texts for a special gift". Craig then texted them and when they pulled up the text it was a picture of their gift. Kaedo started crying - poor guy was so overwhelmed. They were so thrilled. We explained the gifts were a whole family affair. We gave them to them first so that they could play for awhile while I made breakfast.
Once breakfast was cooking we got back to the gifts and we were thrilled with everything. We received gift cards, books, clothes, pajamas, and so many other things. The boys were very thoughtful with their gifts - Sterling gave me a set of three cookie sheets - heavy duty ones. Anyone who has seen my cookie sheets knows this is a wonderful gift. He gave Craig a hat and a huge bag of Wine Gums. Kaedo gave me a limited edition Sound of Music set. It is wonderful and he gave Craig a "People of Wal-Mart" Desk Calendar. Dad - you would love it!

Thank you to everyone who sent us such wonderful gifts and we hope you and your families have had a terrific holiday season. Craig is on holidays with the boys until the 7th and I start mine as of December 31 at 4pm. Can't wait!


GrmpaGrmma said...

So glad we could help get gifts that Sterling & Kaeden really loved. P.J.'s look great on both of you - thanks again for shopping for us! We had a wonderful Christmas season! Craig - hope you enjoy the rest of your time off and Shannon - countdown begins! Enjoy your time off as well.

Just got home from Church and lunch with Robert & Barb and we're invited over to Larry & Faye's place to visit with their son, wife and little 3 1/2 year old girl.

Still have lots of snow and it seems like it wants to come down some more today. Stan hasn't had to shovel for a few days so that's good.


Denis & Irene said...

So happy that you all enjoyed your gifts, we certainly did although two motor home batteries were not my pick of the litter. I couldn't believe that our batteries and DVD player went down on the same day. Boxing day saw new batteries and a new DVD player. Thank you for inadvertently helping with their purchase. I was looking at the Jimmy Choo store but decided the batteries were more important, I guess.

Today we did the Havasu market and then drove to Oatman. We were just in time for the gunfight and the burros were eagerly eating our offerings that we purchased at the stores. No rip off there, $1 for a whole bag of food for them. The girls were quite brave and stuck there hands under the burros mouths so that they could pick off the food. We 4WD to a Korean War Memorial and wouldn't you know it...the only person there knew where we had purchased our Jeep, knew the people and we had a good gabfest. Small world.

The weather is cool, actually cold if the sun isn't out. It got up to 14C today but we all had about 5 layers on while Avery and Emma were in short sleeve Tees. Lots of people commented. They all wished they could be that comfortable in the cool weather.

Hope you're feeling better Shannon. Will talk to you in the week. So glad you had such a great time last night.

Love to all