I received a call today advising our family that the teachers in Kaedo's school were going on strike on Friday. It went so far as to say that the teachers would be picketing outside of school-age daycares on that day as well.
I don't understand the whole process and maybe the teachers in our family can "school" me a little on how and why this happens. Don't get me wrong, I understand that both sides feel like the other isn't playing fair. What bothers me is that children - who are completely innocent in this situation - are the ones who suffer. Not to mention their parents who have first graders who can't be home alone, who have to now struggle for childcare.
I really wish both sides would think about what they are doing and who they are affecting - kids. I sometimes wonder if that even factors into the equation.
We have been running on a work to rule situation since September, marking isn't being done, activities aren't being provided, nothing. How do we accept our children's report cards when no one has marked their assignments, or not enough of them to actually provide a real grade?
Thankfully as of today our high school has advised that work to rule will remain but that striking is not on the agenda right now. A high schooler not getting his grades is not acceptable to me. He needs those.
OK, I'm done. Off my soapbox.
My friend, a retired teacher, worked her butt off to get a degree so that she could continue teaching. When she started, a degree wasn't necessary. She retired early due to all the political crap that went on, not only in the school but in the District as well. She just wanted to teach, she just wanted to help and educate all these young people who came to her to learn. She used to mark papers on the way to the ski hill and back home again every weekend. Her day didn't start at the first bell or end at the last. I really don't believe teachers want to strike but they are caught in a system full of administrative personnel that tell them how to do their job. They are caught in the middle of a system that can call the shots because every parent will blame the teachers, not the administrators. Too many good teachers leave the system early because of all the crap.
I'm off my soapbox, too
Not sure if I can shed any light on your dilemma. Just adding to Irene's comment - teachers do not want to strike for sure. We are there for the kids but unfortunately the BOSSES do not understand what the job actually is about anymore. Not sure what Ontario teachers are asking for but like most professions the unions have to use what the BOSSES will listen to. Unfortunately in this case it is the parents and the kids. By working to rule (in our system means to do our job and nothing extra, but does include marking because that is our job. However, marking does not happen after the work day. Mostly extra-curricular and clubs are affected) we hope to keep education going yet make the BOSSES understand that teaching is more than what happens in the classroom. As for the strike - that sucks. As a teacher I hated the two days we walked out last year, but the voices of upset parents to the government made negotiations move forward. Not good to create problems with daycare or parenting issues, but possibly the negotiations are not going well. Usually does to last long as teachers need income which they do not get during a strike (it hurt us huge - two teaching incomes in one family) and the government needs education to work.
Not to sure if this makes sense or helps but I am only a phone call away to be a sounding board. Good luck with everything.
Disney has been great and we are heading home tomorrow morning. We will have to call/Skype when we get home to fill you in. It has been a week of spoiling, adventure, laughs and great family fun. Talk to you soon.
Love KPJC and Gma and Gpa.
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