Sunday 2 December 2012

week 10

Holy last minute, Batman! Kaedo was out today scootering at a cool scooter park all day and only got home at 7pm. By the time he got home Sterling was gone to his meeting. So once again, in the dark, we get our photo.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Even in the dark, the boys looks great and love the weekly photos!

We had a freezing rain last night and Stan went out to sprinkle some ice melt on the sidewalks. They are saying on the radio that highways are very icy as well. Would rather have snow than the freezing rain.

Glad to hear you got a three month extension Shannon - something good will come of all this, we're sure of it.

We have our Senior Research Station party this Wednesday - Happy Hour at friends home before the meal, a few of us Line Dancers are performing for the evenings entertainment! (no budget for entertainment so they take what they can get!) and then 3 other couples are coming back here for a Shuffleboard Tournament and Sticks game - should be a fun evening. Then on Friday night we have another banquet to go to - it's at our church and it's the J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Christmas banquet. It's another fun evening and home early. How can one expect to lose any weight at this time of year with all the Christmas teas and parties going on - oh well - New Year's resolution again!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

We don't care if it's in the dark or light, we're just so happy that you post these weekly photos. Looking good boys.

We went to Caesar's Palace yesterday, boy was that a mistake. We didn't realize they were closing down the strip as there was the Rock and Roll Marathon happening. It took us about an hour to do the 10 minute ride, so we snuck in to Bally's parking and walked over to Caesars. Wasn't too bad getting back as we were a few blocks off the strip then. We stopped at the Rasmussen's for happy hour and then went to Sam's Town for an hour. We're eating our big meal at lunch so hopefully that will help the digestion a little. There's a lot to choose from here and we get player's cards from every casino we eat at. You can't buy the food for the price they charge for a meal already cooked. I must say the quality of the food has really improved over the years, thank goodness, because we never used to eat out when we were here.

Having friends over for happy hour later so I better go and get some snacks. Not a snacker, so I never have anything in. Denis is, so I never have anything in, lol. He'd just eat 'em all up.

I bet you'll be the best entertainment they've had, Shirley. You must be close to professional by now....insist on a stipend. Enjoy.

Love to all